Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: April 2020

Community Resources for Families

There is a Community Resources for Families menu

directly below the Second St. StrongStart heading.

You will find the following organizations.

They are just a click away!

Burnaby Family Life

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Tip Sheets

Kids in Burnaby

Information Children

Cameray Child and Family Services

City of Burnaby Services (COVID-19 info.)



Parenting Support

Anita has had regular visits to our StrongStart classroom and is still available to support you!

Anita Olson works for

as Burnaby’s Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC).

She has been working with families and young children for well over a decade and as a parent herself recognizes the challenges, complexity and delight parenting brings. Understanding the foundational importance of infant and early childhood development, Anita shares information, strategies and practical tools with parents as they begin and continue their parental journey. Focusing on the parent/caregiver and child relationship, Anita’s work with families aims to create and preserve loving connection and curiosity.

If you are looking for parenting support: email your questions or join the daily Resource Newsletter  aolson@fsgv.ca set up a virtual meeting!

phone/text Anita at 604-723-9548



My Visit to School on Friday

I was able to visit the classroom on Friday and grab some stories and props for circle time on zoom.  While I was there I took a few pictures of how beautiful it is at Second Street right now.  Missing all of you!

Does this look familiar?

Across the street from StrongStart!





Missing all of you coming through

this door

to see me!

Another Great Parenting Resource

Someone who has impacted me and the way I parent is Gordon Neufeld.  He has posted on YouTube a one hour session.  I watched it on the weekend and it helped me personally understand stress and the change Covid has brought to our lives.  It also reminded me of what is important and will help me parent in the days to come.



He was also on a question and answer panel and it was excellent as well. You will find it here:



Free Parenting Webinar

Parenting is hard work! And with all the current changes it just got more challenging.

I just signed up for this free, one hour workshop on Wed. April 29 at 2:30pm.

I have heard of Dan Siegel but not had the opportunity to read his books yet.  Check it out by clicking the link below!



87 Family Activities To Do At Home

So it has been 4 weeks for some (maybe more for others) that we have been staying home to adhere to social distancing.  I am sure that many of you have many tools and tricks up your sleeves to keep your little ones busy and engaged. However sometimes our tool boxes are depleted and in need of some new tools or reminders of old tools we have forgot we had!!!  Another StrongStart facilitator sent me this article below and my hope is that you can find at least a few ideas that you can put in your tool box! Please don’t miss #80. It is by far my favourite!!!

87 family activities to help you avoid coronavirus cabin fever



Where Oh Where is Ms. Su Our School Librarian?

At Second Street we are so lucky to have Ms. Su as our librarian. She has welcomed StrongStart into her Library on Monday mornings. We have enjoyed her reading to us and gifting us with songs new and old.   Her love of books is evident in the way she lights up each and every time she reads aloud. Ms. Su is not reading stories from her classroom right now but rather can be found reading from home and her backyard!!  She has created a website for students and families to experience books being read out loud.  She has been so kind to include stories for little ones and those can be found under her StrongStart tab! Here is the link to her website!




Renovations Complete!

Dear Families,

Wow spring has been so beautiful this year and sunny.  I hope you have been able to get outside to enjoy the birds, flowers, blossoms and slower pace.  I have been enjoying watching my garden grow.

Spring Break feels like a long time ago!!  Our classroom was renovated over Spring Break and looks amazing.

I really miss welcoming all of you into the classroom to play, sing, explore and learn together. I especially miss all of your smiles and the element of surprise as I never know who will enter my door each day.   I look forward to the day we can be together in person again.

If you and your child would like to schedule a time to connect with me, please email me at Beth.bosnick@burnabyschools.ca.