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    Observing energy in Shapeville, Zoom this afternoon, Parade tomorrow

    If we define energy as the ability to do work, what are some sources of energy that you notice in Shapeville? Can you also connect the energy to the job or work being done. For example the sun is a source of energy and it is doing a few jobs in shapeville. What do you notice?       If you have time today watch Bill Nye at  https://www.google.com/search?q=bill+nye+energy&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA852CA852&oq=Bill+Nye+energy&aqs=chrome.0.0l8.13536j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 There is also a Zoom party with Ms. Rogers and Ms. Rogan today from  1:00  – 1:45 if you would like — this is optional Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/8588204697?pwd=UXg5d3M5ejhnOFI5SGFHWWx4UWFZUT09 Meeting ID: 858 820 4697 Password: 191425 One tap mobile Reminder that…

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    Monday, April 27, Pro-D Day

    Please view the Office 365 Meetings Calendar in the drop down menu above to see the plan for the week. Math for today: Prodigy is set up for a check-in with grade specific skills  – continue your game Please begin making all the paper shapes into objects: cube, cylinder, prisms these were 2 paper packages sent home to students. Exercise — take some body breaks today 40 bicycle crunches and marching on the spot with knees up for 10 minutes . A few times a day helps your body. See you tomorrow.      

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    Thank you for being kind to our planet Earth🦋

    Division 6 you are incredible! I am grateful to have such thoughtful students👍 Would you like to create a message of hope for our school? If so, please create a paper message, 8 1/2 x 11 , no larger please, and drop it the bin near the parking lot door entrance at Stoney Creek School.  😁 On today’s schedule is our Read Aloud chapter 2 & discussion Need help with uploads for assignment 2? Please email Ms. T.G. See updates here for Language Arts and Shapeville

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    How can you be kind to the Earth?

    Each year in Division 6 we take time on Earth Day to answer this question. And I look forward to all the answers this year too. Please check for small group Meetings  today and join the group you are placed in by the teacher. Feel free to call or email if you are having difficulty seeing those in Office 365.    Continue with Prodigy Math, Time Capsules, and begin to create your Shapville. Remember to get some exercise and enjoy the fresh clean air  today if you can 🌎🌏🌍 Happy Earth Day!  

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    Check out the answer at Wonderopolis #1363

    Thank you for all your answers about the lamp! There is a really good explanation at this website. Check out #1363    http://wonderopolis.org  Small group meetings begin today and continue tomorrow. Each student will attend 1 meeting so please check the Team Meetings or call me to find out your meeting time. Be prepared with your Shapeville Booklet and the Story: A Summer in Shapeville. No writing in these books yet, just bring them. Continue working on Math Prodigy prisms and more Also continue working on your Time Capsule and feel free to email me a photo of what you are working on. I really like your emails, keep them…

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    How do you think this lamp makes light?

      It is Earth Week and we will be making a connection between William from our Read Aloud Story and Energy. Do you know what energy is? Please add a comment in the form of a sentence that answers the post question this morning. See you today at 10:00 or 1:00 for the Read Aloud There is a new topic in Prodigy Math for the week about prisms 10 min./day