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    Can you write a haiku?

    Good morning, students & families! Please refer to the haiku document sent home yesterday and post a haiku some time today or over the weekend if you prefer. To do this, click on this post, scroll down to the comments and post your haiku. Perhaps I will see you in the Friday Fiesta at 1:00 in Team Meetings. I have returned comments on many assignments now and thank you for turning your work in. Let me know if you need assistance. Please review the calendar here and in Teams for new updates. Have nice weekend and try finding shapes in nature or in the community if you are out walking.…

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    What do you notice in this photo?

    Metal snail sits by tulips How many syllables are in the line of words above?  Also try to make a line of words of your own about the photo and tell me how many syllables are in your line of words. No punctuation necessary 🤪 Parents today everyone should please come to our Team meeting at 10:00, and there is no meeting at 1:00. Then at 2:00 until 3:00 you need to pick up school supplies from the school. Please follow the link to guidelines on the previous post. I requested emails to know who is coming and still need to hear back from a few families. Check the blog…

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    Please Review the Guidelines for Pick-up in the link below

    Important Information update Please see the link for Pick -Up Procedures Team Meeting For Thursday at 1:00 cancelled Please pick up your child’s bag including personal school supplies, clothes, and a package of printed materials for upcoming lessons. We will meet behind the school, following the lead of administration and acknowledging social distancing procedures. No families will be allowed in the schools. Please respond to this email to help us know who is coming and who is not yet able. Thank you very much! We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow😍 https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/e10989_burnabyschools_ca/EU2Wvwt9J4lBsPugZ-pCkU0BO3d2ztwBdoqWvNoeutrrWg?e=qiBF23 Please click on this link above for the Guide Lines For Picking up Supplies

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    How many syllables are in these words?

    The flower with 3 white petals is called trillium. Tell me how many syllables you hear in this flower name. How about your name; how many syllables are in your name? Please answer these questions in a comment below. Remember to click on this post and scroll down to the comment bar. No meetings are booked for today, but parents may email by 10:00 if you would like to book a private meeting for today. Thank you.    

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    What do you think Max is thinking?

    Here is my cat, Max who stops looking at me once I get onto the computer these days. Hahaha! He gets more snuggle time than ever. Please click on this post and leave a comment. I would like to be able to have a daily question and response here for students, so this is a test. Click on the title, scroll down to add a comment and send it back. Thank you! Also Please join our Class Meeting in Office 365 Teams today at 1:00. We are all signed up and ready to begin there, thank you for all your patience and support!

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    Welcome to Wednesday

    Good Morning parents and students, Here is a review of our present online class curriculum: Math Thank you for those working on Prodigy Math!! Keep track of your password or call me to ask for it otherwise you create more than 1 account. I hope to have everyone working on this online resource by April 15. If you need help email me see contacts above https://sso.prodigygame.com/login#classes Our class code is 1A895C Office 365 Connect through the school website or download to your desktop or phone This is important for student emails, Team Meetings and assignments. Thank you for your patience while we get everyone connected. If you need assistance please…

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    A no-sew sock bunny

    Our class discussed making this craft before spring break and this morning I made one. If you look up no-sew sock bunny online you will find a variety of instructional videos. If you have some time this week, give it a try and re-use some old materials. Have fun! Parents I will try to set up individual meetings with students on Office 365Teams to see how everything is going. Thank you again for all your assistance🤩

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    Follow up from our meeting

    Oh my goodness, thank you for trying to meet as a class, but I need to learn a bit more before we try again. I assigned a response to our meeting in Teams through your student email. See if you can work on that for now the due date shows for Wednesday, April 8. Also on the drop down menu above this post are 2 new pages about Math and Language Arts. See if you can add your assessment to the Math Prodigy class online. Once again I thank you for being patient and persistent as we move to a virtual classroom. I have had some good laughs about and…

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    An update on your entry to the meeting today

    First I want to thank you all for trying to log in and second I wish to thank you trouble shooters for finding the fix😘 Here is an example of an email address that you will enter for your child: 1234567@edu.burnabyschools.ca The edu. Is what I did not give you, so sorry. Hope this will work out now and we will meet on the channel: O365-StneyCreek-Division6 Thank you again for all your patience and support 😊  

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    Our first Teams meeting tomorrow

    Good evening, In order to log onto our team meeting tomorrow begin by going to the school website and clicking on Office 365. Then you will need to enter you school district email address which is the the 7 digit pupil number (I gave you the user name when I called and that is you pupil number) and then add the rest like the example here: 1234567@burnabyschools.ca  Next  put in your password and you should find Office 365 Teams and follow the instructions to join the meeting. It seems a little tricky, but we will all figure this out in time. I will be there early so hopefully we can…