
Can you write a haiku?

Good morning, students & families!

  • Please refer to the haiku document sent home yesterday and post a haiku some time today or over the weekend if you prefer. To do this, click on this post, scroll down to the comments and post your haiku.
  • Perhaps I will see you in the Friday Fiesta at 1:00 in Team Meetings.
  • I have returned comments on many assignments now and thank you for turning your work in. Let me know if you need assistance.
  • Please review the calendar here and in Teams for new updates.
  • Have nice weekend and try finding shapes in nature or in the community if you are out walking. We are going to talk about shapes next week.


    • taylorgibbsl

      Matthew this makes my mouth water. I notice that you may be articulating some words like delicious as 4 syllables perhaps. However, if you look them up in the dictionary (online is easiest) it will provide syllables for the word. Delicious is 3 syllables.
      Line 2 in your haiku needs to be 7 syllables, please edit this. Otherwise lines one and three are perfect. Nice work and keep going.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Amira, this haiku makes me think of flowers dancing in my garden, I really enjoyed it. Thank you and I wonder what colour this smooth flower is that you are writing about.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Thank you, Jazmyn. I like the image of flowers of many colours blooming in this wonderful season. Line 1 in your haiku is not quite 5 syllables. I appreciate your effort and encourage you to recount Line 1.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Eli, I can imagine Cally going through all the motions that you describe. Well done and thank you for the lovely haiku about your kitten.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Kiev, the description of bees as brave and spreading joy makes my heart sing. I really like your poem. I count too many syllables in Line 2 of your poem , so please recount it and possibly make an edit. Thank you so much adding it here, you are as brave as a bee.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Kevin, your haiku tells a story of survival in my mind. I like the image of a fire providing a hug. Line 3 has too many syllables. Hopefully you can recount your syllables and make an edit. Thank you so much for your effort.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Nice work, Jeonghan. I can imagine the scene you are describing, and you are demonstrating the ability to count and hear syllables. Thank you.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Jiwon, you are developing a sense of haiku. It is tricky to count syllables and your LIne 2 shows the skill of writing 7 syllables. How exciting to have a birthday in spring! Happy Birthday.

  • BenjaminT

    Ben is sleeping now
    He wakes with sun shining bright
    He hugs his mamma

    Ben goes down the stairs
    He says hi to his daddy
    Then he plays some games

    • taylorgibbsl

      Ben, you are demonstrating excellent skills with syllables and I like how these 2 tell a story. You have a nice routine and you are kind to your parents. Very nice.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Oscar, this haiku is perfect and it makes my mouth water. I can imagine chocolate glazed doughnuts in my mind and I want to sink my teeth into one right now. Yum!

    • taylorgibbsl

      Kenzi, you are clear in you syllables and in your description. I can imagine the bird and I like the word soaring it adds with the movement. Lovely.

  • taylorgibbsl

    Tristan, this haiku has so much texture it really touches my senses. Thank you and your syllables are developing nicely. Thank you.

  • Neema

    Cats in the rain meow
    Furry cats play in the rain
    Cats like sleepy naps

    Dogs play in the rain
    Dogs eat and bark, play and sleep
    Dogs sleep outside, woof

    • taylorgibbsl

      Neema, you are demonstrating the ability to count syllables and you certainly have a way with words: I can imagine these animals having fun and resting I love the phrase, “cats take sleepy naps” Very well done!

    • taylorgibbsl

      Oliver that must have been a surprise. Thank yo so much for completing your haiku and you demonstrate the ability to count syllables and write a haiku. WEll done!!

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