Here are some important terms that we’ve learned! We think that they’re important to understand because we need to know about what has happened to our world in the past and what is happening right now. We should know these terms because they help us understand if discrimination is happening.
Slavery: Black slavery started in 1619. A slave is a person who is the legal property of another person and is forced to obey them.
Racial Segregation: That means when two different races are separated. For example, in some parts of the world Black people were/are getting treated worse than the white people by not being allowed to go to the same schools. Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. led many marches to fight against segregation? Learn more about him in the video below!
Sexism: Sexism is like stereotyping and telling someone that they can’t wear what they want to wear because of their gender.
We’ve read some books that help us to understand these terms better including Henry’s Freedom Box, Intersection Allies, and The Sit In!
-Div.4’s News Crew