Home Learning – April 14th

Hi Everyone,

Today is the last day of home learning! I will see you all bright and early at school tomorrow. Here are your activities for today :).

Mindful Morning

We will do this activity together during our meeting today at 11 AM. We will be reading the story, Outside Art. We will be trying to find different items around our homes that we can create natural dyes/paints out of.


Language Arts

Hi, writers! Today, your Extreme Writing task is to watch the video above, set your timer for 10 minutes, and write as much as you can about the topic(s) below. Good luck!

  1. Have you ever been to a live musical performance (a concert, an orchestra, a recital)? What was it like? Have you ever performed or played a musical instrument in front of an audience? What was it like?
  2. What is a song, artist, or genre of music you love? Why do you love it? Would you recommend other people listen to it?
  3. Write a story that involves Music. Does the character write a new song? Does the character find a magical instrument? Does this song have an effect on people?
  4. You may notice the children in the video use sign language to communicate. What are some other ways we can communicate with each other? Why is communication important?


Today, your task is to not only be a mathematician but to also put on the hat of an interior designer!

An interior designer is a person who plans how furniture will be placed inside buildings. They also plan the colours, curtains, lighting, pictures, etc. 

Today, your task is to redesign your bedroom! Stand in the door way of your room. Think about the most important pieces of furniture that you need to incorporate.

Ex. Bed, dresser, closet, night stand, etc.

Next, think about what other additions you might like to add to your room.

Ex. a chair swing, a cozy corner, etc.

Please create a draft of your room on a blank piece of paper. You will need this for our in person class tomorrow. Here are some pictures below to help inspire you. Happy designing!

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