Hello everyone,
We are so excited because a few days ago, the salmon finally hatched! Surprisingly, 5 people got the date correct. We are having a lot of fun watching them and caring for them. Our next step is to go on a field trip to drop them off.
The grade 7s have been learning the anatomy of salmon through dissecting an ocean adult salmon. Two weeks ago, Ms. Ramen and Ms. Nicholson dissected one to show us a demonstration of how to do it, and the next day, we were split into house teams and were able to have a once-in-a lifetime learning experience. Everyone did a significant job while removing the intestines and especially with taking out the swim bladder. As we have all compared what the size, texture, and shape of a salmon organ looks like to a human organ, it was interesting to see them in person instead of in a picture. A fact about salmon is that they are anadromous, which means they start their lives in freshwater, migrate to the ocean where they grow, and then they return to their birth streams where they spawn and die.
We all learned a lot about chum salmon that day and we hope we all turn into salmon experts soon!
-News Crew