Single Use Plastics

We have been exploring the impact of single use plastics. After recording our own plastic use, we are now researching our inquiry question: What is the most harmful single use plastic? 

Check out our poll below and cast your vote!

[poll id=”1″]


Voter Suppression

After having discussed the importance of voting and learning about the election cycle, Div. 3 has begun to learn about voter suppression. We have been reading and researching about four different groups within Canada who did not have the right to vote during a certain period of time. These groups are women, Aboriginal peoples, Asian Canadians, and those living with disabilities. The following are two interesting articles to read at home and discuss with your families. Both articles describe events in the United States but there are still many connections we can make even though we live in Canada. 

Voting Rights

Should the Voting Age Be Lowered?

Student Vote!

Yesterday, Div. 3 and the other intermediate classes took part in the Student Vote. The Student Vote coincides with governmental elections and allows students to practice the act of voting while learning about government. Students seemed to enjoy the process of casting their ballots! Stay tuned for the results. 🙂 


Uzume Taiko

Today our school had the opportunity to watch a performance by Uzume Taiko! Division 3 enjoyed watching them play the taiko drums and percussion instruments as well as learning about the history of Japanese culture. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held today and tomorrow. If you have not yet signed up for a conference time, please email me at

Since our conferences will begin at 2:00PM, we will have an early dismissal at 1:45PM.


Quick reminder . . . 

Picture day is on Monday ! Bring your best smiles 🙂 

Please return the Google Classroom form & Eportfolio form if you have not done so already

Bring your gym strip for Tuesday

Bring a shoebox lid & extra materials for your Ideal School project


Notices & Reminders

The following notices have been sent home: 

  • Student Verification Form – ASAP
  • Hot Lunch Form – Friday, September 14th
  • Supplies Notice – Friday, September 14th 
  • Planner Notice – Friday, September 14th
  • Young Peoples Concert Series (Y.P.C.) – Friday, September 14th 

Reminder: Please bring the following supplies to school tomorrow

  • metric ruler
  • 1 pkg thin felts
  • 1 pgk pencil crayons
  • 1 highlighter
  • metal scissors (not primary ones)
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 2 large boxes of tissue
  • 1 black ultra thin fine liner
  • calculator
  • 1 geometry set
  • gym strip