New Read Aloud Alert!


We chose to start off Term 2 with an exciting new read aloud. The Wild Robot by Peter Brown is a story about survival, friendship, and overcoming difficult situations. We will soon be posting about our favourite characters and predictions we have. However, we promise not to spill the beans just in case anyone wants to read it for themselves!

Current Events

We have begun our study of current events and non-fiction texts. For practice, students have been asked to analyze different news articles and how these events are impacting others and themselves. Below are the articles we read in class today. If you happen to find any articles you think are interesting or think the rest of the class should know about, please send them my way :). 

Bionic Limbs

Australian Wildfires

Mars Rover

Important Upcoming Dates

Hi Everyone,

It was wonderful to meet all of you at the intake meetings last week. If I have not yet had a chance to conference with you either in person or by phone we can always reschedule at your convenience. 

Some upcoming dates that you should be aware of are the following: 

Nature Walk Field Trip – Oct. 10 in the morning

Young Peoples Concert – Oct. 9 in the morning

Golf Field Trip – Oct. 18th and Oct. 21st in the afternoon

Please continue to check your child’s planner so they can become more responsible when organizing themselves between home and school. 

Thank you for your support!

Important Reminders

Hi Everyone,

Here are some important reminders for the week as students have not yet received their planners. 

  • Scholastic orders are due Sept. 24
  • Food orders for the Welcome Back BBQ are done online and should be completed as soon as possible
  • OWL Kids form is due as soon as possible
  • Please bring in school supplies 
  • Bring in a banned book
  • Return student verification form by Sept. 17

Welcome Back !

Hi Everyone, 

Welcome back to school! I hope you have all had a restful and enjoyable summer break. I can’t wait to get started and am looking forward to getting to know all of you. In the upcoming weeks, you will receive your login and password for your  E-portfolio. This is a tool used to better communicate your learning with your parents. Our class syllabus and expectations will be distributed in the following days. 

Happy learning!

Ms. Ramen

Have a Great Summer!

Dear Division 3 Students & Parents,

I have so enjoyed getting to know all of you over this past year!

Parents, thank you for your constant support and taking such an active role in your child’s education. 

Division 3, I am so proud to have witnessed your tremendous growth this year. You all have become more confident in your ability to take on new challenges and unknown situations. Grade 6s, I wish you all the best in your Grade 7 year. I am very excited to see you make your mark on our school community and develop into leaders of the school. Grade 5s, I am hopeful that you will also continue to develop your leadership capabilities and I know that you will have a successful year in Grade 6! 

Have a wonderful summer! Keep in touch 🙂


Ms. Ramen

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, Div. 3!

I hope you all had  a relaxing break 🙂 I am excited for the term ahead and all of the different subject areas we are going to be exploring. Our class blogging crew will be updating our website from now on. Please check out their posts! 

Our New Read Aloud!

This book is our read aloud. It is called Posted by John David Anderson. It is an interesting book because it is about a boy in middle school.He just wants to be normal but that changes when cellphones get banned. The lesson in this story is that words aren’t just words they can be used as gifts or weapons. 

By: Eason 

Single Use Plastics

We have been exploring the impact of single use plastics. After recording our own plastic use, we are now researching our inquiry question: What is the most harmful single use plastic? 

Check out our poll below and cast your vote!

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