Water Presentation By Green Bricks!

Today, we got the opportunity to learn about water and tested the water from other countries. We learned that other places in the world have to drill to get their water and that we use over 400 liters of water every day. We get our water from the Seymour water shed. We played trivia games and did a taste test of water from Yosemite. It was lots of fun! 

By: Euhan, Yobu, and Maddie

One thought on “Water Presentation By Green Bricks!

  1. William Oching says:

    Hi Ms Ramen,
    This is very practical for the kids. It makes them love sciences and enjoy the school as what they are doing is the real word experience both at home and school.

    Keep up the great work!


    William Oching ( Yobu’s dad).

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