Have a Great Summer!

Dear Division 3 Students & Parents,

I have so enjoyed getting to know all of you over this past year!

Parents, thank you for your constant support and taking such an active role in your child’s education. 

Division 3, I am so proud to have witnessed your tremendous growth this year. You all have become more confident in your ability to take on new challenges and unknown situations. Grade 6s, I wish you all the best in your Grade 7 year. I am very excited to see you make your mark on our school community and develop into leaders of the school. Grade 5s, I am hopeful that you will also continue to develop your leadership capabilities and I know that you will have a successful year in Grade 6! 

Have a wonderful summer! Keep in touch 🙂


Ms. Ramen

5 thoughts on “Have a Great Summer!

  1. Melody Helleouet says:

    Thanks for al you did for our children this year Ms Ramen! You are appreciated very much. Have a great summer!

  2. Anh says:

    Hey Ms. Ramen! This is Anh. My family and I hope that you have a fun and eventful summer! Also, I lost my card you gave to me, but I fortunately got a chance to read it. If you found it, please keep it for me. Thanks!

    • Ms. Ramen says:

      Hi Anh,

      I did find your card! Unfortunately, someone threw it in the recycling as they didn’t think you were coming back. I have another one for you :). Come pick it up on Tuesday!

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