English Language Learning Support

Hello Families!

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend! As you all know, I am your child’s Music teacher here at Parkcrest. I am also one of the ELL teachers (English Language Learning Support). I wanted to let you know that I have added 2 new categories to the sidebar of this blog (if you are on a mobile device, you will find these at the very bottom of the page). One category is ELL – Sites/Games to Assist with Literacy Skills, these sites are great to support the learning of all learners in Kindergarten and Grade One.

The other category is Vocabulary Flashcards. In Kindergarten we want to increase the vocabulary the children have so they are better able to communicate their needs and wants with their teachers and friends at school. If your child was seeing me for ELL support when we were at school, I encourage you to take a look at these flashcards with your child if you have time. You do not need to print them off, but it would help if you could read the words to your child (while pointing to the pictures) to continue to help build their English language vocabulary.


I know that your teacher has signed each child up with a Raz-Kids reading account. I encourage you to try and have your child read at least one book a day (if you can), to assist with their language. There is an option for the story to be read to them, and for them to read the story. If you do not have your login and password, email your teacher and she will resend it to you.

Have a wonderful week!

Love Ms. Quin

Week 4

Movement Activity:  

Let’s review the days of the week while we get our body moving!


What is your favourite day of the week?


Song Activity: Do you like pizza? What is your favourite kind? I love pepperoni and mushroom!



Zen Den: This week we are going to focus on Mindfulness. Sometimes we find ourselves getting frustrated or upset. Watch this video to find some strategies to help you feel better and calm your body and mind.

After you take a moment to breath and calm your body down, how do you feel?


Story Yoga: I decided to add a story yoga as well. Enjoy the story of Popcorn the Dolphin. I hope you get some good stretches today!


Have a wonderful week!


P.S. Parents: If you search for Zen Den in Google or YouTube, there are a lot of other short mindfulness videos that are great!


Week 3

Happy Week 3!

Movement Activity:  Speaking of Can’t Stop the Feeling, How are you feeling?

Let’s get moving!

Can you feel your heart beat? Is to beating faster than before you danced? Why do you think it is?


Song Activity: Before Spring Break we were making different rhythms with our friends Beet and Cherry. Follow along with the video and practice your rhythms!

Can you make your own rhythm using at least one cherry and one beet? Share it with your family.


Story Yoga: Let’s listen and stretch to the story about Tiny the T-Rex!

What was your favourite part?

Week 2

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter long weekend. I heard the Easter Bunny was declared an essential worker. I hope you were able to find some yummy treats!

Movement Activity:  Let’s get moving!

Can you challenge your family to a dance off?

Song Activity:

Spring makes me think of rainbows. Do you know how a rainbow is made? What is your favourite colour?


Story Yoga:

What was your favourite part of the story? What was your favourite yoga pose? How did you rescue the eggs from the Tickly Monkeys? Share the answers with your family.

Division 9 and 10 Music

Dear Division 9 and 10 Families,

Welcome back to school (virtually)! I miss you all and hope you had a good Spring Break, spending quality time with family, despite everything going on. For the duration of the school closure due to Covid-19, I will be making one blog post a week which will include one movement activity (video link) and one song (link) for your child/children to sing and learn. I hope this will help keep them entertained while they are spending time with you at home.

On the right hand side, under TRANSLATE, you will see a drop down arrow option to translate my blog posts into the language of your choice. It is currently set to ‘English’.

If your children are looking for a fun way to keep active while being socially isolated at home, you can head to gonoodle.com – click on ‘Learn More’, then on ‘For Families’. This will provide you with many different dances and movement activities to keep your child/children moving! Feel free to join in and dance with them 🙂

Please check back each week for more songs and fun activities! If you would like an email notification each time I update the blog, feel free to add your email to the subscription box on the right side bar. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at nicole.quin@burnabyschools.ca

Take care and keep safe,

Ms. Quin

Week 1

While we aren’t able to meet together in our classroom to make music, sing, and dance, I will do my best to provide you with activities you can do at home to continue your learning.

Movement Activity: For our first week I thought I would share one of your favourites!


Song Activity: Do you remember singing Down by the Bay? I thought it would be fun for you to review it. Once the song is done, see if you can think of any other rhyming words to add to the end. Sing the chorus again and add your own rhyme to the song. Share it with your family!


Story Yoga: I thought it would be fun to also include one yoga activity each week as well to help strengthen and stretch your bodies. Meet Jamie. She is going to lead you on a journey while using your bodies to tell a story. Share some of the yoga poses with your family.