Thank You

I cannot express how appreciative I am to all those who were apart of Division 4’s adventures this school year. Thank you so much for the memories and all your kind words. Grade 6s I look forward to seeing you in September. Grade 7s good luck in your high school adventures.

And when you remember what you forgot back in the class, remember I’m here tomorrow and from July 9th onward for summer. Come and get it while they last.

ETA: If you took any photos of me with students, I’d love to be emailed a copy.

June 13

White Pine…Er…Belcarra

Thanks for a great day students! Hope your moods weren’t dampened, and that you enjoyed celebrating the relationships fostered so wonderfully with our little buddies.


It’s no secret we’ve been getting some recognition for the students amazing project. Here’s one little snippet. Way to represent boys. (4.2K followers! đŸ˜±)

Tweet – Janet Chow

Class Work

SPRK – Tomorrow and Friday will be dedicated to sharing our project with other classes within the school that have expressed an interest in seeing them.


  • Lit circles will get going tomorrow. Starting with Leviathan and going down the list. Everyone will share this week.
  • IndĂ©pendant novel studies are due Friday, June 22

White Pine

Well the weather outside is looking frightful. The field trip is still going ahead but Mme Montague and I will have other activities prepared for the students. We’ll still have fun but make sure to come dressed for the weather. In other words, 80% chance of rain, I don’t think you’ll be needing your noodles.

June 4

Some tidying and final details to do, but things are winding down. We very much look forward to seeing our parents on Monday, June 11th at 3pm. Hope you can make it.

Class Work:

Reading and DictĂ©e – Short week has resulted in the cancellation of Lit Circles and DictĂ©e

Points of Interest:

  • Grade Relay tomorrow
  • Burnaby North’s Viking Day Wednesday
  • Sports Day Thursday (early dismissal ~1pm)
  • Hot Lunch Thursday (White Spot)
  • Pro-D Day Friday (No school for students)
  • Out in Schools Tuesday, June 12th
  • Little Buddy Wrap Up at White Pine Wednesday, June 13th
  • Red Cedar Party 1-2pm Thursday, June 14

May 30

Maze Project 

The date to demonstrate student projects is fast approaching.  I will be sending home an invitation on Friday detailing when parents will be welcome to see the final product of our mazes.  Please use the link below as soon as possible to provide your input on when we hold this event.


Grade 7 students who are attending Alpha in the fall are reminded to meet at Alpha at 8:45 in the large gym.

Class Work:

Dictee 24 – signed for Friday

Reading – Independent Novel study (is technically due tomorrow, however, since I will be absent I will be collecting it on) Friday

Classroom Jobs – Applications due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Grade 7 Alpha’s “Aztec for a Day” tomorrow
  • Krispy Kremes delivered to classes Friday
  • Grade 6/7 Math Fair Monday
  • Grade 7 Cultus Lake forms due Tuesday
  • Grade Relay Tuesday afternoon
  • Grade 7 Burnaby North’s “Viking Day” Wednesday
  • Sport Day Thursday, June 7th (Early dismissal)
  • Pro-D Day (No school for students) Friday, June 8th

May 24

Had a wonderful day on the water this afternoon. Hope the grade 7s are sufficiently exhausted.

Please find below a list of assignments the students have been working on.

Points of Interest:

  • Reading Day and Author visit tomorrow
  • PAC Trivia Night fundraiser tomorrow (I will see you there!)
  • Alpha’s Aztec for a Day Thursday, May 31st
  • Krispy Kreme delivery Friday, June 1
  • Grade Relay Tuesday, June 5
  • Burnaby North Viking Day Wednesday, June 6
  • Sports Day (early dismissal) Thursday, June 7
  • Pro-D day (no school for students) Friday, June 8

Come and See the Mazes!

As I mentioned to many of you during Student Led Conferences, we will be inviting parents back to see our finished projects sometime during the week of June 11-15.  Please find below a link to a Doodle.  Please review the options and select as many as you feel could work for you.

Hope to see as many parents there as possible!

May 15

Student Leds – I would like to say thank you to all the parents who were able to come out for the Student Led conferences.  We’ve been up to some very interesting things in Division 4 and I’m glad the students had an opportunity to show you.  If you would like to leave me any feedback please find below a link to a printable feedback form. 

Student Led Feedback Form

Please keep an eye out for a notice around the end of the month inviting you back to see our completed projects.

Scholastic – Each student has received a coupon for $6 to spend through Scholastic as a birthday gift from me.  I have many students who have not used their coupons!  It does not have to be 6$ if the student wants to pay the difference (I have work arounds).  But it does have to be claimed by May 29th as that is when I will be placing my last order of the year, and the coupons expire in June.

Class Work:

Math and Art – Kandinsky due Tuesday

Blogs – Newton’s Laws of Motion and Core Competency due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Gauss test tomorrow
  • Burnaby Public Teen Librarian presentation tomorrow
  • Free 2 Be Friday
  • Krispy Kreme orders due Friday
  • Victoria Day (School closed) Monday
  • Volunteer Tea 2-3 Wednesday, May 23
  • Grade 7 Water Fun at Deer Lake Thursday, May 24
  • PAC Trivia Night Fundraiser Friday, May 25
  • Last Scholastic Order due Tuesday, May 29 (All birthday book coupons must be in)

Have They Been Assimilated?

The students were blogging about comparing civilisation’s reactions to their physical environment today when something really amazing happened. 

I had told the students that they would need to do some research this week to be able to properly answer their blog prompt.  I also recommended they take advantage of people from other groups who maybe already had their own research.  Three students took it upon themselves to create, organize and share a Google Doc where they could each put their own research for others to access.

Within 15 minutes all the grade 6s were in on this same Google doc and working together to share all their research so far. (It was at this point I discovered what they were doing.) Not only were they posting their research, but they were paraphrasing information they were finding as well as ensuring to keep track of hyperlinks for referencing purposes. 

Within 20 minutes all the grade 7s were added too.

Within 25 minutes students were using the Google Doc to ask questions of other people’s research and glean more information and clarification as it pertained to their own blog post.

Within 30 minutes students were calling recommendations of organisation to each other. (“Hey guys, can we post questions in red so that they’re easier to distinguish?”, â€œHey guys, can you write your name if you answer a question so I know who to go talk to if I have more questions?”)

The level of collaboration that they reached this afternoon was nothing short of astounding.  And even more thrilling to watch as it unfolded.  My only question is
.are they familiar with the Borg Collective?