October 1

Notice to Grade 7 parents

Grade 7 parents

Class Work:

Dictee 3

  • Activities #1-3 due tomorrow


  • October Independent novel study book selection by Friday


  • 6s – pg. 14 #1, 2, 4 (students will be given time in class tomorrow to complete
  • 7s – pg. 23 #1-4, 7, 9 (student will be given time in class tomorrow to complete)


  • 3 Acrostic poems using Idioms due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Grade  6s leave for Timberline Camp Wednesday
  • Grade 6s return from Timberline Camp Friday
  • Thanksgiving Monday, October 8th (No school)
  • Cross Country Awards Meet Tuesday, October 9th
  • Coat Drive starts Wednesday, October 10th
  • Orange Shirt Day Friday, October 12th

September 25

Class Work:

Dictee 2

  • parent signature due Thursday


  • September Independent novel study due Friday


  • Beanboozled 4 pages due Thursday


  • Global Issue collage due Friday

Classroom Jobs

  • Job applications due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Book Fair ongoing to Thursday
  • Photo Day TOMORROW
  • Intake Meetings tomorrow and Thursday (Early dismissal 2pm Thursday)
  • Hip Hop performance for parents Friday at 1:30
  • Terry Fox Run Monday, October 1st
  • Grade  6s leave for Timberline Camp Wednesday, October 3rd
  • Grade 6s return from Timberline Camp Friday, October 5th

September 20

Class Work:

Dictee 2

  • corrections due Monday


  • September Independent novel study due Friday


  • Self-portraits due Monday

Points of Interest:

  • Timberline Camp forms and duotang OVERDUE
  • Student Consent and Verification forms due ASAP
  • Cross Country Meet Monday
  • Book Fair Monday to Thursday
  • Photo Day Wednesday
  • Intake Meetings Wednesday and Thursday (Early dismissal 2pm Thursday)
  • Hip Hop performance for parents Friday at 1:30
  • Terry Fox Run Monday, October 1st
  • Grade  6s leave for Timberline Camp Wednesday, October 3rd
  • Grade 6s return from Timberline Camp Friday, October 5th

September 17

Open House cancelled  – My apologies for any inconvenience but I have been asked to make a small presentation for the District and therefore will be unable to have the Open House this year.  I look forward to seeing all of you at Student Intakes.

Class Work

Dictee 2

  • Activity 1 + 2 due tomorrow


  • Page 1 Division sheet due tomorrow


  • Parent signature due Thursday
  • September Independent novel study due Friday September 28


  • Newspaper Rough drafts due Thursday

Points of Interest:

  • Timberline Camp Medical form and duotang OVERDUE
  • Student Consent and Verification forms due ASAP
  • Student Intake forms due Thursday 
  • Timberline Camp forms due Thursday
  • Scholastic orders due Thursday



Welcome Division 4 2018-2019

I’m very excited to welcome a (mostly) new group of students to my classroom and very excited to see what kind of adventures we get into as the school year progresses.

While my blog is intended for communicating with parents, I absolutely encourage students to use it as well, as another resource to aid with their personal organisation.

Please keep a close eye here as there will many bits of news in the coming weeks. I look forward to working with everyone this school year.

July 13

Practicing fire safety

When your friend’s initials makes you think of burgers.

Summer school is not complete without outdoor experiences. Even for coders.

July 10

Today we tucked into some Blockley coding using Code.org. Students are encouraged to finish the “Express Course” to help develop some coding skills. We also started playing with Scratch, which also uses Blockley, to actually start developing a game. After students have finished their Fish Chomp game, they will get to design their own game.

Summer Sesson

Hello to all my summer school students.  Here is the link to your Coding Class on Code.org
