November 16

A notice went home today to invite Grade 7 French Immersion families to a meeting on Thursday, November 22 to discuss the possibility of having a field trip to Quebec City at the end of this school year.  Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting so that we are properly able to gauge interest in such an experience.  Please meet in the library at 6:30 on Thursday.  

Class Work:


  • Corrections for Dictee 7 and 8 are due Monday


  • 6s- pg. 72 #1, 3, 4bdg, 6, 11, 12 due Monday
  • 7s – pg. 73 #1 + 12 due Monday
  • Module 2 Quiz 1 corrections due Monday
  • Module 2 Pre-quiz 2 Tuesday
  • Module 2 Quiz 2 Wednesday


  • November Parent signature due Monday
  • Digital version of November and December Lecture Independent can be found and submitted via Google Classroom


  • Figurative Language quiz Tuesday
  • We’re all done poetry! Looking forward to seeing parents at our Poetry reading “Night” on Friday, November 30th at 2pm. Please RSVP as refreshments will be available.


  • Students are working at developing a game of their design using Scratch.  At this time they must be using the classes account.  When the game is complete we will download the games and they can move it to their own account, should they wish to do so.

Points of Interest:

  • Boys Volleyball recreation Play day Tuesday
  • Secondary French Immersion Presentation 6pm (Gym)Wednesday
  • Holiday Flower Forms out Wednesday
  • Shop Fund Forms out Wednesday
  • Young People’s Concert Thursday
  • Girls Volleyball recreation Play day Thursday
  • Grade 7 French Immersion Quebec City field trip meeting in the Library 6:30pm  Thursday
  • Pro-D Day (No School for students) Friday
  • Boys Volleyball Competitive Tourney Tuesday, November 27
  • Shop Funds Orders due Wednesday, November 28
  • Girls Volleyball Competitive Tourney Thursday, November 29
  • Toy Drive starts Thursday, November 29
  • Division 4 Poetry “Night” 
  • November Lecture Independent due Friday, November 30
  • December Lecture Independent due Friday, December 21

November 13

Class Work:

Dictee 8

  • Activities #1-3 due tomorrow
  • Pre-test tomorrow


  • Rough copies for Sperling Scoop due Friday


  • Digital version of November and December Lecture Independant can be found and submitted via Google Classroom


  • Freedom is due Friday. Students must have 3 small poems or may do 1 long poem.


  • Students should be selecting one “Eastern” religion and one “Western” religion with which they will be doing a fact based comparison and contrast. Choices are due Thursday.


  • Students are working at developing a game of their design using Scratch.  At this time they must be using the classes account.  When the game is complete we will download the games and they can move it to their own account, should they wish to do so.

Points of Interest:

  • Girls Vollyball game Thursday
  • Boys Volleyball recreation Play day Tuesday, November 20
  • Secondary French Immersion Presentation 6pm Wednesday, November 21
  • Holiday Flower Forms out Wednesday, November 21
  • Shop Fund Forms out Wednesday, November 21
  • Girls Volleyball recreation Play day Thursday, November 22
  • Young People’s Concert Thursday, November 22
  • Pro-D Day (No School for students) Friday, November 23
  • November Lecture Independant due Friday, November 30
  • December Lecture Independant due Friday, December 21

October 23

Class Work:


  • October Lecture Independant due Wednesday, October 31


  • Good copies for Sperling Scoop due tomorrow


  • 3 Tankas using Allusion due Friday


  • 6s – pg. 40 #1-8 (not 6) due tomorrow
  • 7s – pg. 44 #1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 + 15 (i, ii) due tomorrow
  • Module 1 Pre-test tomorrow
  • Module 1 final test Thursday


  • Students are working on individual inquiry style Science projects around Space.  They have chosen different project forms (Powerpoint, poster, model) in which they would like to present the answer to the question that they have asked. Projects are due Tuesday, November 6.

Points of Interest:

  • Girls Volleyball game Thursday
  • Whistler Ski forms due Friday
  • Parent Info Ski meeting Monday, October 29
  • Pumpkin Patch day Monday, October 29 (**Please bring a cloth bag)
  • Photo Retakes Tuesday, October 30
  • Boy Volleyball Game Tuesday, October 30
  • Celebration of Learning assembly Wednesday, October 31 (Students permitted to where costumes to school)
  • Girls Volleyball game Thursday, November 1 (Yup, it’s already November)

October 16

Class Work:

Dictee 3 Grade 7s only

  • Corrections due Thursday

Dictee 5 everyone

  • Activities 3 and 4 due tomorrow


  • 3 Limericks using Alliteration due Thursday


  • Rough drafts due overdue


  • 6s – pg. 39 #2-5
  • 7s – pg. 41 #1-5, 8
  • Corrections for Quiz 1 due tomorrow
  • Pre-quiz tomorrow
  • Quiz 2 Thursday

Points of Interest:

  • Grade 6 immunizations tomorrow
  • Choir lunch tomorrow
  • Girls volleyball game tomorrow
  • Coat Drive ongoing (ends Thursday)
  • Pro-D Day Friday (No school for students)
  • Scholastic due Monday
  • Boys Volleyball game Tuesday, October 23

For those interested in Mini School at Alpha

This is the first year that the Beta Mini School Program at Alpha is not grandfathering MACC students into the Mini School Program. This is wonderful opportunity for self-driven students to explore areas of academic interest. Any families interested in having their Grade 7 student apply for the Beta Mini School Program at Alpha should attend the information session tonight at Burnaby Central from 7-8pm.

October 11

**Library tomorrow**

**Orange Shirt Day tomorrow**

Class Work:

Dictee 4

  • Activities 6 and 7 due tomorrow
  • Test tomorrow


  • 3 Haiku poems using metaphors due tomorrow

Grade 7 time capsule

  • 7 items; boxed and listed overdue


  • Rough drafts due Tuesday

Points of Interest:

  • Young People’s concerts form due overdue
  • Coat Drive on now
  • Grade 7 “Class of 2019” Hoodie orders due Friday, October 19th (though the sooner they come in the sooner we get the hoodies)

October 10

Class Work:

Dictee 4

  • Activities 4 and 5 due tomorrow


  • both grades have a quiz on tomorrow


  • 3 Haiku poems using metaphors due Friday

Grade 7 time capsule

  • 7 items; boxed and listed overdue


  • Students have to have their subject picked (linked to space) and the format in which they would like to present their project picked by Thursday


  • Rough drafts due Tuesday

Points of Interest:

  • Young People’s concerts form due overdue
  • Coat Drive on now
  • Orange Shirt Day Friday
  • Grade 7 “Class of 2019” Hoodie orders due Friday, October 19th (though the sooner they come in the sooner we get the hoodies)

October 4

Young People’s Concerts

We have ourselves in a rare situation where the concerts start very early this school year.  We have asked payments to be made by Tuesday.  This is a VERY important deadline as our first performance is Tuesday. If you pay via school cash online please make sure you still send in the blue form with receipt number.


Class Work:

Dictee 3

  • Test tomorrow


  • October Independent novel study book selection by Friday


  • 6s – pg. 22 #1, 2, 4-6
  • 7s – pg. 29 #1, 3-5, 7,8
  • both grades have a pre-quiz on Tuesday
  • both grades have a quiz on Wednesday


  • 3 Acrostic poems using Idioms due tomorrow

Grade 7 time capsule

  • 7 items; boxed and listed due Tuesday

Points of Interest:

  • Grade 6s return from Timberline Camp tomorrow
  • Thanksgiving Monday, October 8th (No school)
  • Young People’s concerts form due Tuesday 
  • Cross Country Awards Meet Tuesday, October 9th
  • Coat Drive starts Wednesday, October 10th
  • Orange Shirt Day Friday, October 12th
  • Grade 7 “Class of 2019” Hoodie orders due Friday, October 19th (though the sooner they come in the sooner we get the hoodies)