February 4

Aaaaaaand we’re back to blogging!

Class Work:

Dictee 13

  • Activities #1 + 2 due tomorrow


  • 6s- pg. 164 #1, 3, 5-9 and pg. 168 #3, 4, 5 due tomorrow
  • 7s – pg.  179 #2-5, 7 due tomorrow


  • Bloom’s Ball Part 1 (pg. 5 – 44) due Friday
  • Bloom’s Ball Part 2 (pg. 45 – 82) due Thursday, February 14th
  • Bloom’s Ball Part 3 (pg. 83 – 93) due Thursday, February 21st


  • Rough draft of genocide stories due tomorrow


  • Students should have picked their project topic (Electromagnetism – something that has or uses it) and designing what they would like to do with that topic

Student Blogs

  • Stay tuned

Points of Interest:

  • Boys Basketball game (at Montecito) Tuesday
  • Girls Basketball game (at Montecito) Thursday
  • Annie the Musical on Friday (Students are reminded to bring an extra snack as we will be back late for lunch
  • Food Drive starts Tuesday, February 12
  • Boys Basketball game (Home vs. Aubrey) Tuesday, February 12
  • Valentine’s Day Thursday, February 14
  • Girls Basketball Game (Home vs. Aubrey) Thursday, February 14
  • Ski Day and Skating (Last day) Friday, February 15

Sweat Shop Simulation

Today was a very intense day for many of our students. They were amazingly strong. While we had a conversation in class, we encourage you to talk to your child about their day and help them reflect on the reality of consumerism.

December 6

Class Work:


  • Imparfait activities A and B due tomorrow
  • Newspaper rough copies due Monday


  • 6s- pg. 94 #1 – 4, 9 due tomorrow
  • 7s – pg. 234 #1-6 due tomorrow


  • December Independent Novel Study due Friday, December 21
  • Digital version of November Lecture Independent can be found and submitted via Google Classroom


  • Students are working on their Ovoid art projects using various mediums

Points of Interest:

  • Toy Drive ends tomorrow
  • Intermediate Choir Field Trip Monday
  • Holiday Craft in the Gym at Lunch Thursday
  • Reports go home Friday, December 14
  • SFU Basketball Game Tuesday, December 18
  • Celebration of Learning Thursday, December 20 at 11
  • Pancake Breakfast Friday, December 21
  • Pyjama Day Friday, December 21
  • Last day of class Friday, December 21
  • School Back in Session Monday, December 7

November 27

Thank you to all parents who were able to come out to our information session for the proposed field trip to Quebec city.  Just a reminder that we will need to receive surveys by Friday, November 30th, to be able to make the final decision on whether we are able to go ahead with the field trip.  Thank you so much to those who have already sent in their surveys and paperwork.

Class Work:


  • Corrections for Dictee 9 are due Friday


  • 6s- pg. 82 #1-7, 10, 12, 15, 16 due tomorrow
  • 7s – pg. 79 #1 – 5, 7a, 12, 13 due tomorrow
  • Module 2 Quiz 2 corrections due tomorrow
  • End of Module 2 Pre-test tomorrow
  • End of Module 2 test Monday


  • November Independent Novel Study due Friday
  • Digital version of November and December Lecture Independent can be found and submitted via Google Classroom


  • Looking forward to seeing parents at our Poetry reading “Night” on Friday at 2pm. Please RSVP as refreshments will be available.


  • Games are due Friday


  • Religious comparison projects due Monday


  • Rough draft Ovoid project proposals due Tuesday

Points of Interest:

  • Shop Funds Orders due tomorrow
  • Girls Volleyball Competitive Tourney Thursday
  • Toy Drive starts Thursday
  • Scholastic order due Friday (Last before Christmas)
  • Division 4 Poetry “Night” Friday at 2pm in portable 5
  • Term 2 starts next week!
  • December Lecture Independent due Friday, December 21