Have They Been Assimilated?

The students were blogging about comparing civilisation’s reactions to their physical environment today when something really amazing happened. 

I had told the students that they would need to do some research this week to be able to properly answer their blog prompt.  I also recommended they take advantage of people from other groups who maybe already had their own research.  Three students took it upon themselves to create, organize and share a Google Doc where they could each put their own research for others to access.

Within 15 minutes all the grade 6s were in on this same Google doc and working together to share all their research so far. (It was at this point I discovered what they were doing.) Not only were they posting their research, but they were paraphrasing information they were finding as well as ensuring to keep track of hyperlinks for referencing purposes. 

Within 20 minutes all the grade 7s were added too.

Within 25 minutes students were using the Google Doc to ask questions of other people’s research and glean more information and clarification as it pertained to their own blog post.

Within 30 minutes students were calling recommendations of organisation to each other. (“Hey guys, can we post questions in red so that they’re easier to distinguish?”, “Hey guys, can you write your name if you answer a question so I know who to go talk to if I have more questions?”)

The level of collaboration that they reached this afternoon was nothing short of astounding.  And even more thrilling to watch as it unfolded.  My only question is….are they familiar with the Borg Collective?

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