Burnaby North French Assessment has been moved!

If your child is attending Burnaby North in September please be aware that the French Assessment has been moved to Wednesday, April 25th at 3:45. The assessment is schedule to take approximately 90 minutes.

2 Replies to “Burnaby North French Assessment has been moved!”

  1. Cannot access google classroom doc for blog topic. I already have how I define the success of the project, must I respond to them all? Google class says I must open the doc with one of my parents’ acounts it will email them to confirm, and the email has been send. Yet, I cannot find it nor can I acess the doc for my blog post that is almost due.

    1. Sorry, I’m not sure why it’s doing this. It may be something previously set up in your browser. Is there another internet browser you can use? Explorer, Safari, Chrome, or Mozilla?

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