April 16


Lit Circle Schedule

Each student must meet once a week.  Each student must meet at least one time for any books read.  Students must come prepared with 4 quotes they found in their reading for that week: 1 thing they liked, 1 thing they didn’t like, 1 thing they questioned or were confused about, 1 thing they were surprised or excited about.

  • Monday – Underground to Canada and Leviathan
  • Tuesday – The Dark Tower and Three Cups of Tea
  • Wednesday – Fatty Legs and Northern Exposures
  • Thursday – Whispers from the Ghettos and We All Fall Down
  • Friday – No meetings though in the event of Pro-D or holidays the schedule will shift by one day.

Class Work:

Blog – Posts #5, 6, and 7 due Friday

  • #5 – See prompts in Google Class
  • #6 – Core compentency #1
  • #7 – Student choice

Dictee #21

  • Activities #1 – 3 due tomorrow
  • Pre-test #1 tomorrow

Points of Interest

  • Tennis April 3 – 20
  • Grade 6/7 Track at Swangard tomorrow
  • Food Drive starts tomorrow
  • French Young Actors Friday
  • Division 2 and 4 Free2Be Friday
  • Hot Lunch Stir Fry Friday
  • Pro-D Day (No school for students) Monday, April 23
  • Spring Concert 1:30 Thursday, April 26
  • Food Drive ends Thursday, April 26
  • Division 2 and 4 Free2Be Friday, April 27


12 Replies to “April 16”

  1. Hi Madame! When I try to log in to my google account it says that my device is not recognized, so it will not let me log in. Is there another way I could get to google classroom?

    1. Sorry 7, I’m not sure how to help you without seeing what its telling you. Just make sure you’re using your email to log into google drive.

  2. Hi Mme! Do we have to have a picture for every single blog post, if we do, do you have suggestions what kind of photos to have for core competencies?

    1. I STRONGLY recommend you have a photo for every post.

      For the core competencies you can take photos of work, or staged scenes of you doing work (no faces) or if you’re suuuuper stumped the Core competencies themselves. I’ve put a link to the PDF under Classroom Organization.

  3. Hi Mme, I feel pretty sick today, and won’t be going to school. I have a lit circle today for Fatty Legs though. Can I maybe call you later while you’re doing lit circles so I can participate? If not, am I just not going to do lit circles this week? Thanks.

    1. Don’t worry about it. If you’re sick you’re sick, you will have plenty of other opportunities to join the discussions. Just make sure to hand in your reflections when you’re back.

  4. For the core competencies blog are we just supposed to explain how we’re achieving the sub-topic while doing class work?

    1. Give an example of a situation where you satisfied the “I can” statement of one of the core competencies.

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