April 11


The school district tech team is putting together Subscriber Log-ins for parents to be able to follow along their child’s blog.  They will be using the emails you provided for me already so that you will receive automatic updates each time your child blogs about their learning. 

Class Work:

Dictee 18 – signed for tomorrow

English – Blog post #4 (Student choice) due Friday

SPRK – Blog post #3 – Using Google Drive photos and prompts – due Friday

Reading – Parent signature for Lecture Independant due tomorrow

Points of Interest

  • Tennis April 3 – 20
  • Division 2 and 4 Free2Be Friday
  • French Young Actors Friday
  • Grade 6/7 Track at Swangard Tuesday, April 17th
  • Food Drive starts Tuesday, April 17th
  • Shop Funds forms due Tuesday, April 17th
  • French Young Actors Friday, April 20th
  • Division 2 and 4 Free2Be Friday, April 20th
  • Hot Lunch Stir Fry Friday, April 20th

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