A Blog about Blogging

As we enter into Term 3 students have started figuring out how to use their new blogs.  We have been playing with the technical side as well as discussing what makes a good blog (what form and style should be used). Most importantly we have been discussing why we are blogging and how we are using it as a form to track our individual learning and communicate that learning with myself and parents. Hopefully parents will enjoy watching the students’ experiences.

Students will be expected to blog two or three times a week; always due by Friday.  Students will more often receive prompts from me, tying their learning back to the expected competencies, but I also hope they will develop an ability to take charge of their own learning process and use this tool to independently analyze their own experiences.

Students are encouraged to use photo evidence but are reminded that any photos have to be resized so that they are no more than 640 x 480 pixels in size.  This can be done by uploading and editing images in “Media” before inserting them their blog.  Students may also insert videos, but again they must be compressed.

Happy blogging!

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