November 4

A reminder that all students should be checking their Math homework and re-doing questions that are not correct.  Grade 6 answers can be found under “Classroom Organization”. Grade 7 answers are in the back of their text book.

Class Work:


  • 6s – pg. 52 #1, 2, 7, 8, 10
  • 7s – pg. 58 #1, 3-5
  • Quiz Thursday

Dictée 7

  • Acticities 1-3 due tomorrow


  • 3 Free Verse with onomatopoeia due Friday


  • Animal projects (Systems and Evolution) due Thursday


Points of Interest:

  • Boys volleyball game Tuesday
  • Girls volleyball game Thursday
  • Remembrance Day assembly Friday
  • Remembrance Day Monday (School is closed)
  • Boys volleyball game Tuesday, November 12
  • Girls volleyball game Thursday, November 14
  • Hot lunch (Stir Fry) Friday, November 15

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