October 18

Class Work:

Dictée 4

  • Signed and corrected for Monday


  • Module 1 Quiz 2 due signed and corrected Monday


  • Working on Animal Evolution projects


  • Letters to Phyllis due  Monday (online) (If you are having difficulty handing this in please email me)

Points of Interest:

  • Election in the gym Monday
  • Boys volleyball game Tuesday
  • Grade 6 Immunization Catch-Up Wednesday
  • Photo retakes Thursday 9am
  • Girls volleyball game Thursday
  • Pro-D Day Friday (No school for students)
  • Pumpkin Patch Monday, October 28
  • Boys volleyball game Tuesday, October 29
  • Girls volleyball game Thursday, October 31
  • October novel studies due Thursday, October 31
  • Hot Lunch (sushi) Friday, November 1

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