September 12

Welcome back to a new school year.  I very much looking forward to seeing where my student’s interests lead me this year.

Jumping right into class work, this is what we are working on.

Class Work

Dictee 1 – Test tomorrow

Je me presente – Poster about oneself – due tomorrow

Math – Beanboozled percentage sheets due tomorrow

English – Poetry cover page due Monday

Classroom jobs – applications (in cursive) due tomorrow

Points of interest:

  • Timberline forms due ASAP
  • Agenda ordering taking place $8 online
  • Library Mondays
  • Gym Tuesday and Fridays
  • Band and Music Mondays and Thursdays
  • Meet the Teacher at 6pm on Wednesday, September 18
  • Student Intake interviews Tuesday, September 24 and Wednesday, September 25
  • Terry Fox Run Thursday, September 26
  • Pro-D Day (No school for students) Friday, September 27

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