May 30

Maze Project 

The date to demonstrate student projects is fast approaching.  I will be sending home an invitation on Friday detailing when parents will be welcome to see the final product of our mazes.  Please use the link below as soon as possible to provide your input on when we hold this event.


Grade 7 students who are attending Alpha in the fall are reminded to meet at Alpha at 8:45 in the large gym.

Class Work:

Dictee 24 – signed for Friday

Reading – Independent Novel study (is technically due tomorrow, however, since I will be absent I will be collecting it on) Friday

Classroom Jobs – Applications due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Grade 7 Alpha’s “Aztec for a Day” tomorrow
  • Krispy Kremes delivered to classes Friday
  • Grade 6/7 Math Fair Monday
  • Grade 7 Cultus Lake forms due Tuesday
  • Grade Relay Tuesday afternoon
  • Grade 7 Burnaby North’s “Viking Day” Wednesday
  • Sport Day Thursday, June 7th (Early dismissal)
  • Pro-D Day (No school for students) Friday, June 8th

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