May 15

Student Leds – I would like to say thank you to all the parents who were able to come out for the Student Led conferences.  We’ve been up to some very interesting things in Division 4 and I’m glad the students had an opportunity to show you.  If you would like to leave me any feedback please find below a link to a printable feedback form. 

Student Led Feedback Form

Please keep an eye out for a notice around the end of the month inviting you back to see our completed projects.

Scholastic – Each student has received a coupon for $6 to spend through Scholastic as a birthday gift from me.  I have many students who have not used their coupons!  It does not have to be 6$ if the student wants to pay the difference (I have work arounds).  But it does have to be claimed by May 29th as that is when I will be placing my last order of the year, and the coupons expire in June.

Class Work:

Math and Art – Kandinsky due Tuesday

Blogs – Newton’s Laws of Motion and Core Competency due Friday

Points of Interest:

  • Gauss test tomorrow
  • Burnaby Public Teen Librarian presentation tomorrow
  • Free 2 Be Friday
  • Krispy Kreme orders due Friday
  • Victoria Day (School closed) Monday
  • Volunteer Tea 2-3 Wednesday, May 23
  • Grade 7 Water Fun at Deer Lake Thursday, May 24
  • PAC Trivia Night Fundraiser Friday, May 25
  • Last Scholastic Order due Tuesday, May 29 (All birthday book coupons must be in)

8 Replies to “May 15”

  1. Nice blog Mme, just making sure you know I can give feedback. ( It’ll make sense when you read my new blog.)

  2. Hi Mme, for our story, do we have to keep the main character the same in all of the stories? I was just thinking if our robot could be the villain and be chasing the other robots. Just a thought. Thank you!

    1. The main character does not have to be the same in all the stories, however, that doesn’t mean you still couldn’t do your villain idea.

    1. You will be missing your in-class time to work on your Kandinsky but if you feel you can handle both then I’m okay with it.

    1. The timing for Reading day is not great for our classroom situation. Obviously wear pyjamas, and feel free to bring a stuffy, but I wouldn’t bring blankets or sleeping bags. We’re very short on space as it is, and they would get pretty mucky in our workshop.

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