April 3

The CPF Concours Oratoire (French Speech competition) happened today.  We sent 3 students from Division 4 and I’ve heard that all 3 represented Sperling magnificently. I’m so proud of the work that was put into the speeches.  Public speaking is not an easy feat, let alone doing it in a second language, and everyone should feel proud of their personal accomplishments.


Class Work:

Dictee 18 – Act. #1 – 3 due tomorrow

English – Blog post #1 – About Me – due Thursday

SPRK – Blog post #2 – Choose a design opportunity – due Thursday

Points of Interest

  • Tennis April 3 – 20
  • Grade 6/7 Track at Swangard Thursday
  • Cold lunch (Cobs) Friday
  • Reports go home Friday
  • Alpha Math Honours assessment exam Tuesday, April 10th, 4PM, in the Alpha Library

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