March 9

Class Work

Math – Pre-test Monday. Quiz Tuesday.

Art –  Photo submissions and write-ups were due today.  Please email photos of “drops” to Mme Potyka as soon as possible.

Concours AO

  • 7s – Congratulations to 18 and 19 who will represent Sperling at District
  • 6s – Congratulations to 2 who will represent Sperling at District


  • March Independent Novel Study due Friday!


  • Practice all of :                                                                                                                              O Canada|Midnight Mission|Ayre + Dance|Celtic Air + Dance -> up to mesure #36|Ranting + Roaring -> up to mesure #39

Points of Interest

  • Tennis forms due Wednesday
  • Grade 7s memory forms due Friday
  • Scholastic due Friday
  • Grade 7 Yearbook forms due Friday
  • Yearbook art due Friday
  • Tennis April 3 – 20
  • Grade 6/7 Track at Swangard Thursday, April 5th
  • Cold lunch (Cobs) Friday, April 6th
  • Reports go home Friday, April 6th
  • Alpha Math Honours assessment exam Tuesday, April 10th, 4PM, in the Alpha Library

12 Replies to “March 9”

    1. Non. Premier nom seulement est assez anonyme maintenant. Mais vous pouvez continuer de le faire si vous etes plus confortable.

    1. You first blog is just about you. Introduce yourself, your likes and dislikes. Nothing about SPRK, just you. Your second blog post will be about SPRK. What are we doing, why, kind of design elements did you choose for your maze and why.

    1. In you blog draft, there’s an “Insert Media” function. This allows you to upload photos and then insert them into you blog draft.

    1. On the main page of my blog there is a list of everyone’s name. You click the name of the person you want to look at.

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