October 25

Photo retakes are tomorrow!  If you require photo retakes, please bring back your original proof for the photographer.

Class work:


  • Dictee 5 activities #4 + 5 due tomorrow
  • Dictee 5 Pretest 2 tomorrow


  • Quizzes to be signed by parent or guardian due tomorrow (for sure this time)
  • Quiz corrections (for half marks) to be handed in as soon as possible.
  • 6s
    • Pre-test tomorrow
    • Quiz 2 Monday
  • 7s
    • Pre-test tomorrow
    • Quiz 2 Monday


English – 3 Tanka poems with Allusion due Friday

Reading – Independent Novel Study (English) due Tuesday

Writing – Rough drafts of Fairy Tales due Monday

Socials – Mesopotamia projects due Tuesday, November 7th

Art – Please look into different self-portrait styles and decide A) How you want to do your self portrait and B) which medium you would like to use

Mystery Adventure (No children were harmed in the making of this learning) –

  • Write next to each photo A) Why you took the photo and/or B) What it was about your subject that you found interesting.

Points of Interest: 

  • Girls Volleyball Game tomorrow
  • Photo Retakes tomorrow
  • Alpha Drama driver and permission forms due Friday
  • Whistler ski forms due Friday
  • Hot Lunch Friday

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