October 24

Wear pants tomorrow! We’re going on a adventure!

Class work:


  • Signed Dictee 4 test due tomorrow
  • Dictee 5 activities #1 – 3 due tomorrow
  • Dictee 5 Pretest 1 tomorrow


  • Quizzes to be signed by parent or guardian due tomorrow
  • Quiz corrections (for half marks) to be handed in as soon as possible.
  • 6s
    • pg. 39 #2 – 5 due tomorrow
    • Pre-test Thursday
    • Quiz 2 Monday
  • 7s
    • pg. 41 #1-5, 8 due tomorrow
    • Pre-test Thursday
    • Quiz 2 Monday


English – 3 Tanka poems with Allusion due Friday

Reading – Independent Novel Study (English) due Tuesday, October 31st

Writing – Rough drafts of Fairy Tales due Monday, October 30th

Socials – Mesopotamia projects due Tuesday, November 7th

Points of Interest: 

  • Girls Volleyball Game Thursday
  • Photo Retakes Thursday
  • Alpha Drama driver and permission forms due Friday
  • Whistler ski forms due Friday
  • Hot Lunch Friday

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