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Hamlet Performances

Thank you so much to our fabulous videographer, Mr. Sheldon Wong, for providing us with a video memory of our Hamlet production.  Below are the links to Vimeo, where I have posted the videos of one of our first rehearsals on the stage, the dress rehearsal and our evening performance on June 4, 2015.  All videos are password protected, you will need to ask someone in our class to let you in.


Hamlet Evening Performance

Hamlet Dress Rehearsal

Hamlet First Rehearsal

Hamlet 2015

Oh horrible, oh horrible, most horrible!

Sword fighting!



Hamlet’s father is dead.  A suspicious ghost is rumoured to be lingering in Denmark. The noble prince Hamlet discovers the ghost is his father, who died not because of age or sickness, but because of an evil, murderous, and greedy traitor. A horrifying drink and a terrifying sword fight await Hamlet. To kill or not to kill! These may be the questions:

Who will make it out alive?

Will Hamlet avenge the spirit of his father?

Will Hamlet find the true murderer and get his revenge, or will he die trying?

So be warned that this is a brave, funny, and daring story, but also a sad and heart-breaking one too. Please turn off your cell phones and enjoy William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, creatively modified by Brendan P. Kelso.

To watch or not to watch, will be your choice!

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HAMLET- Ari – Son to the dead King Hamlet, nephew to Claudius, the thinker, or “over” thinker (he’s complicated)

CLAUDIUS- Nick – The big, bad new King of Denmark.

GERTRUDE- Vanessa – Queen, Hamlet’s mom, married to his dad & then to his uncle (It’s complicated)

POLONIUS- Iva – A lord (bad guy too!)

OPHELIA- Melissa – Polonius’ daughter, thinks Hamlet is cute!

LAERTES- Jason  – Polonius’ sword-fighting son, thinks Hamlet is rotten!

ROSENCRANTZ- Charles – Crazy guy #1

GUILDENSTERN- Daniel S. –Crazy guy #2

HORATIO- Ashvin – Hamlet’s closest friend.

MARCELLUS- Natasha – Hamlet’s friend

BARNADO- Solara – Hamlet’s friend

GHOST- Jethro – A ghost, duh!

OSRIC- Bradley – A young dude

PLAYER 1- Rakiia – An actor

PLAYER 2- Eunyoung  – Another actor

GRAVE DIGGERSJerry, Riku (afternoon performance), Yanis (evening performance) – Diggers for dead people

FORTINBRAS- Milica – Prince of Norway

SAILOR- Yanis – A sailor (duh!)



COSTUMES – Tina and Rachelle

PROPS – Kent and Daniel C.

DIRECTED BY – Chloe and Ansley


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Division 3 would like to thank:

Mr. Clett for all his help locating and setting up props on stage. He also helped to keep us loaded with cardboard too.

Ms. Escueta and Ms. Lee for allowing us access to the music room to practice.

Mr. MacRitchie for being our wonderful audio technical advisor.

Mr. Sheldon Wong for his star videography.

All the teachers and students of Chaffey-Burke Elementary who gave up their PE blocks so we could have more time to practice on-stage.

William Shakespeare for writing such a cool tragedy.
Brendan P. Kelso for adapting such a cool tragedy into a way cool comedy.

Foodie Friday 2


Yet again, our Foodie Friday was a success!  Thank you to Chefs Solara, Iva and Jerry for another tasty treat. Check out the photos of our cooking adventures from our first two Foodie Fridays.

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Little Fruit Tarts


– 1/2 cup mascarpone Cheese

– 1/2 cup heavy cream or crème fraiche

– 1 Tbsp confectioner’s sugar

– 2 to 3 drops vanilla extract

– 8 oz (250 g) fresh fruit ( we used pear, mango, blueberries and raspberries)

* tart shells


1) Bake shells for 15 – 18 minutes until golden brown, or follow the directions.

2) Let the shells cool for 20 minutes.

3) Whisk together the mascarpone, cream or crème fraiche, sugar and vanilla until slightly thickened.

4) Spoon the filling into the tart shells until they are about half full.  Top with a variety of different fresh fruit.

5) Serve and enjoy!

Recipe from: “You Can Cook” by Annabel Karmel (2010) p. 112-113

*We cheated and bought some :). The original recipe includes how to make the pastry too.

Cute Gophers

I like gophers.  Even though I have a picture of a meerkat (according to our resident expert, Daniel S.)  instead of a gopher, I think it is really cute.  I am going to publish it anyway.gophers-533610_640

Foodie Fridays!

Back… by popular demand….

Well, actually this is the first time we have done something like this in Division 3.  Most Fridays between now and the end of the school year, grade six students will be participating in a shopping and cooking program to support one of our classmates in his learning goals.  We all get to enjoy the fruits of their labours however!  This past Friday we enjoyed some “Easy Berry Ice-Cream”, although as Chef Natasha mentioned, it was more like a mousse than real ice-cream.  Very tasty nonetheless, and many thanks to our Chefs Maggie, Rakiia, Jerry and Natasha for a sweet treat!  Our next week’s chefs, Iva, Jerry and Solara, have a tough act to follow. 🙂

Here is the recipe in case you would like to try it at home.

Easy Berry Ice-Cream


1 lb (450g) strawberries

8 oz (250g) raspberries

8 oz (250g) blackberries

1 cup superfine sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream (I believe we used whipping cream)

1 to 3 Tbsp confectioners sugar


1) Wash the fruit, picking out any bits of stalk and hull (take off the green bits) the strawberries.

2) Put fruit and sugar in a pan, cover and cook slowly for 5-10 minutes.

3) When the berries let out their juice, turn up th ehead and simmer for 5 minutes.

4) Let the fruit cool, then blend it until it’s smooth.

5) Pour the blended fruit through a strainer to remove the seeds.

6) Pour the strained fruit into ice-cube trays and freeze until solid (we used a baking dish instead).

7) Put the cream in a bowl and whip it until it forms soft peaks.

8) Let the frozen berries thaw for about 5 minutes, then roughly chop them in a food processor.  Add the cream.

9) Whiz to combine everything.  Add confectioner’s sugar to taste.  Serve now (it will be very soft) or freeze for up to an hour before serving.  Enjoy!

Recipe from: You Can Cook by Annabel Karmel (2010)