Foodie Fridays are Back!

Back in Division 3… by popular demand… Foodie Fridays!

Most Fridays from now until the end of the year small groups of students in both grades will help to support one of our classmates in his learning goals by planning a healthy treat, going shopping at IGA for the necessary ingredients, cooking or baking the treat back at the school and sharing it with the class.  Yum! Our first treat, for Valentine’s Day, was ice cream with Real Raspberry Ripple sauce on top. Recipe is below.

Real Raspberry Ripple


  • 1lb (450g) fresh or frozen raspberries (defrosted if frozen)
  • 4 to 5 tablespoons superfine (caster) sugar
  • vanilla ice cream
  • strainer or sieve


  1. Put the strainer / sieve over a saucepan and tip in just over half of the raspberries.  Squash them with the back of a spoon, pushing them through the strainer to that all the juice is squeezed out into the pan and the seeds (pips) are left behind in the strainer.
  2. Add the sugar to the pan and stir it into the juice.  Ask an adult to help you heat it gently, over low heat, stirring all the time until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Stir in the rest of the whole raspberries.
  4. Serve hot or warm over vanilla ice cream.

Thank you Jerry Z., Giovanni and David for preparing our first tasty treat!

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