Banishing Cole And Why I think It Was A Good Idea


We have been reading this book called Touching Spirit Bear and we have  been wondering if banishing Cole was a good idea or a bad idea. Here are some of my ideas.

I think that banishing Cole was a good idea and here are my reasons why. Garvey said that the banishment was “an extended time alone to face himself and to face the angry spirits inside of him.” Page 56. Cole was not doing well because he was angry to himself because his dad was angry to him all the time. Second, when Garvey gave the at.oow to Cole he wanted him to give it to someone he trusted. Third, Cole found himself in a bad spot when he was in the circle justice meetings and he wanted to be on the island because he did not want to be in jail. He also burned the shelter because he was angry and he tried to burn the at.oow but he missed the fire. He didn’t like the place but I think that him going there was a good idea  Banishing Cole was a good idea because it gave Cole a chance to ” find himself there.”

What A Waste! Article review

Today i read a article about Food going to waste. It’s called what a waste! What in the world 2017/2018:issue 1. I was surprised when i saw there are 1.3 trillion kilograms of food wasted every year and there are still about 800 million people hungry.I really think that food going to waste is wrong Its not good because some people are not getting enough while others are getting too much and throwing it away. In 2050 we will have about 2 billion more people. When that happens we will have more food to waste.what will we do about it? I think that we should stop throwing out food away it is fresh or leftovers. They shout make a stand that serves food from other restaurants that are still good and fresh. Food uses a lot of resources. Did you know that agriculture uses 70 percent of all freshwater humans consume per year. It also produces up to 35 percent of human greenhouse gas emissions. The top offenders of food thrown out are the U.S., Canada,Australia and new Zealand. I think that food will become a problem if we continue the job that we are doing right now.The difference between wasted and spoiled. wasted means that you probably have some food that is perfectly fresh and you throw it away.Spoiled is when the food becomes bad and you have to throw it away.I think that food is necessary to survive but wasting it can lead to bad results.


answer for A Bowl of Fruit

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It said Half of the pieces of fruit in the bowl are apples. There are also 3 oranges, 2 pears and a banana.

How many apples are there in the bowl?

I think the answer is 5 because I read 3 oranges ,2 pears so I added them together and I got 5 and it says HALF so that means 2 + 3 = 5 which is one half then the other half is 5 too

Why is attribution important?


Attribution is really important. We should give attribution because it is polite and we are giving the person credit for their work. In my own opinion I think it is rude not to give the person credit for their own pictures, videos, and work. ( What does attribution mean? Attribution means giving someone credit for their own videos and pictures.) The reason why attribution is important to me. Is because you aren’t giving credit to the person who made the video or the picture and it is just rude. So that is why i think attribution is important.



giving attribution means others (and yourself) can look at the site said picture came from.   It also means giving respect to the creator of the picture (in this case).                                  Look at the picture below. If you hover over it, it will show the link to the website that I found this picture on Wikimedia commons. That is one way to show attribution.

Ehrenstetten - Ölbergkapelle6


Giving attribution is important because you can get yourself into serious trouble with the law or worse.But that is just the worst case scenario,the best case you’ll just get a warning and just fix it.Another reason why you should give attribution is people will think you took that picture but you actually didn’t. Having said that this is how you can give attribution. How you give attribution is first you find a picture that you want to use for your subject,then you go to it’s html and copy it. After you copy it the you go back to your blog and press text then print it. Finally when you finished doing that then, when you go back to visual you will see the picture. Now when you hover over it you will see the attribution. Here for example hover over the picture,you will see the attribution and about where it came from.And that’s how you give attribution thank you!!!

Charlotte Perkins Gilman c. 1900