Reduce, reuse and recycle

Why do we reduce, reuse or recycle

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The reason why we recycle is because if we keep throwing recyclable things everywhere, then soon our whole world will become a giant landfill.The reason that we reuse because if we just recycle everything then it’s going to be a lot of pollution in the air, the reason there is going to be a lot of pollution in the air because the machines that melt the plastic and make it into something new it uses gas or some type of fuel to make it work.So if something uses gas or fuel it creates smoke and the smoke goes into the air.That’s the reason why I think we should reuse.The reason why we should also reduce, so we can reduce pollution from the machines that are making plastic.Also if we use less plastic companies can stop tearing down trees to make factories.That’s why I think we should reduce, reuse and recycle.