March Precept

The March precept is “Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” By: Blaise Pascal. This means to me that if someone is feeling bad and you don’t usually say things nice to anyone you can talk to them and tell them “You’re perfect the way you are”, “You are you don’t change that” etc. they do not cost much means (to me) it won’t kill you to say some nice words, they accomplish so much the person that was sad, after you said those nice things they turned down to up.

The March precept also means (to me) that words that hurt people cost so much ” Why does it cost much?” you may be asking, this is how when you “buy” words that can hurt someone you have to deal with the guilt and the pain you gave that person when you could’ve bought the kind words and have a guilt free life, it accomplishes so much when you just say nice words than words that can hurt.

December Precept

Awhile ago I experienced this precept come to life! One of my friends used this precept on me “Fortune Favors The Bold” At the skating rink (yes I went skating) there were things to help you skate and I wanted it but I felt like I needed it but some kid really really needed it so I did what I did and I gave it to the kid and my friend helped me learn how to skate and when I learned how to skate and something amazing happened it started to snow! And that’s when it hit me the thing I will never forget “Fortune Favors The Bold” but luck doesn’t come all the time because the snow slowly turned into rain but it’s been the best day ever and I hope it is for you.
What this precept means (to me) is you don’t need a four leaf clover or other things people say are lucky to be lucky, you can be lucky by just putting yourself out there doing something you wouldn’t normally do, like entering a random contest and you didn’t know what to do and you won say $100.00 and you were just doing what you were told and in the end you realized that what you just did was one of your biggest fears and you just conquered it and got $100.00 for it that’s all I think this means “Fortune favors the bold”

Goodbye Reflection

To me the goodbye reflection reminds me of the time that my two Betta fish died and now I only have 1 Betta fish and it’s kind of the same in Wonder when August’s dog Daisy (Darth Daisy) dies.It was sad when Daisy died but in the end,everything was okay. So if your pet ever passes away just remember that: It’s Not The End Of The World.Or say to yourself:INTETW

February Precept

The precept for February is “It’s better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.” By James Thurber, I’m bringing the first precept in to this (the September precept) “When given the choice of being right and being kind choose kind.” This is what I’m thinking is when you’re given the choice to know all the answers and not let other people think and find it out themselves or think about the questions you have for the problem you are working on and if you have the answers keep it to yourself and think of other ways you could have done it.

What I also think is that maybe the precept (of February) means that if you have all the answers to anything you wouldn’t have anything to question nothing to think deeply about if anyone could answer anything I would be afraid, afraid of knowing everything, personally I love being able to think even if I don’t have all the answers when I need them not normally would I think so deeply about one thing but just now while making this I’m thinking of what to write.

December Precept

Awhile ago I experienced this precept come to life! One of my friends used this precept on me “Fortune Favors The Bold” At the skating rink (yes I went skating) there were things to help you skate and I wanted it but I felt like I needed it but some kid really really needed it so I did what I did and I gave it to the kid and my friend helped me learn how to skate and when I learned how to skate and something amazing happened it started to snow! And that’s when it hit me the thing I will never forget “Fortune Favors The Bold” but luck doesn’t come all the time because the snow slowly turned into rain but it’s been the best day ever and I hope it is for you.

Goodbye Reflection

This Wonder Reflection is the about Daisy’s death, Daisy is August`s pet dog, Daisy was sick for a while and August didn’t realise until it was near to over when Daisy died Justin (Via`s Boyfriend) came over to comfort Auggie and Via, August thought it was nothing when Daisy first puked August thought Daisy was just sick it could of been cured by the vet but then Nate and Isabel (August parents) found out after a trip to the vet that it was over for Daisy she was getting too old and she was sick and the vet had no other chance but to tell Isabel and Nate that it was over for Daisy I felt like she was everything to me too it was heartbreaking seeing something that Daisy die