April Precept

“What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful.” — Sappho,

Is this months precept, and I have a good perspective on what I believe this quote means. It has some relation to the story of “Wonder” Because of what is says. What is beautiful is good, that makes sense, take for example trees: they are beautiful and they do good for the earth because trees gives us oxygen. Now who is good will soon be beautiful, that relates to the story Wonder by a lot! If you haven’t read the story Wonder yet, by R.J Palacio, don’t worry, no spoilers. In the story , Auggie has a deformed face as i would call it, which doesn’t make him physically beautiful, but since he is such a heart-filled person, and is such a friendly fun guy to hang around, that will make others see he is beautiful because of that, and that he doesn’t need a beautiful face, he just needed a beautiful personality.

Now that I’ve explained what i think the precept means, I guess i’ll give my thoughts on it. I do agree with the meaning of this precept, but there are a few things wrong in my opinion. Not to get to specific in the precept but not all things that are beautiful are good. Take for example food, some foods look beautiful but they could be really unhealthy for you. Tell me if I got a little off topic or if you agree! Anyways, the “who is good will soon be beautiful” part is great, and i don’t think i could dis agree with that statement.

Goodbye Reflection

Hi! Today I came with the goodbye chapter but our teacher named Mr. Milloy wants us to make a reflection about it so let’s get started. So Via went to tell August to come down steers because Daisy there dog was sick and there mom was going to take Daisy to the vet. So they come down to say goodbye to Daisy. That reminds me of the time that i had a fish. So when they came down to tell her bye they saw her laying down in the kitchen sideways. My fish’s tank was dirty so I asked my sister to help clean the tank and so she helped me clean the tank. August’s mom was leaning then Via leaned right next to her. So Via looked down at her mom and her mom was crying. Her mom was going to take daisy to the animal hospital in down town. She said that the taxi is going to pick her up. So then August asked his mom if daisy is going to be better but his mom said I hope so. The taxi arrived and before the taxi took her, what about daddy is he going too. Yes he is going to meet me there. That part reminds me about when my sister was cleaning the fish tank and I was cleaning it too but I had to drank some water. So there mom and there dad came home from the animal hospital but they did not bring daisy with them. So they know that daisy had passed away. I left this part for the end so when I came back my sister had cleaned the tank and then I put a bit of food in the tank for the fish. Then after an hour I came back to see if my fish eat the food but it and I saw it laying on its side. I was crying for a while but then i got over it. But I was still sad. So that reminds me of my fish when it passed away. So that’s what I have for you today hope you liked it bye.

Goodbye reflection

This reflection is from wonder by:R.J Palacio

It was the day of the big science fair Jack and August’s project went viral. It was the first A Jack got this whole year. The war between Jack and Julian was really bad. Both were giving each other notes.August was involved in the war too.

August had to get hearing aids .At first he didn’t want them, but when the doctor turned them on he loved them. The “white noise” was gone .He called them “lobot hearing aids”.

Via (August’s sister) had kept a secret from their mom. There was a play at via’ high school. They had an extremely big fight. At dinner August and his mom had a fight too. After the fight he went to his room and put his pillows and stuffed animals on his face. Half an hour later via came in his room to say “daisy is sick”. They said goodbye to daisy and cried when their mom took her to the vet.

Mr. Browne’s October precept

What I think Mr. Browne’s October precept “Your deeds are your monuments” means that whatever you do will be remembered by other people, and even after you die, you will be remembered for the big things that you have done in life on your monument (Or grave, Whichever you prefer). For example, Terry Fox had tried to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research, and even though he didn’t run the full way and had to stop halfway because his cancer had reached his lungs, he still raised a lot of money for cancer research, and even after he had passed away, people still remembered him for what he had done, in fact, there are even statues commemorating him and his deed. Basically, what I think this precept means, is that you will be remembered for the big things that you had done in life, even the small things, but you probably wont get remembered as much as you would for doing something big.

Goodbye chapter reflection

While we were reading the book called Wonder, we stumbled upon a very sad chapter, in which the main character August loses his dog called Daisy. I feel bad for August because Daisy was practically his only friend before he had started school (Other than his sister), and even though he had lost Daisy after he had started going to school, I still think that it was especially sad for August because of his deformed face and that in school he didn’t have so much friends. On another topic, this also reminds me of how I had lost my fish twice, which was really sad for me. But then again, fish don’t really live that long.

Mr. Browne’s December precept

What I think Mr. Browne’s December precept from the book called wonder “Fortune favors the bold” means that when you do something brave and bold and you step out, it could benefit you in the future. In fact, that reminds me of something brave that I had done before. I had once went snorkeling for the first time and I have to admit, I was a little scared, but in the end I got through, as well as find a golf ball, a crab, a crab’s shell, and a few fish. How did this little trip help me? Well, in class we had a big project to do and you could choose to study whatever you want, and I had found a few creatures that I studied and it helped me with the project. Basically, What I think this precept means is that if you sometimes risk doing something brave or bold, it could benefit you in the future.