
Take away of Wonder

you can’t judge people of there faces

August didn`t really wanted to go to school but when everyone was nice to him he started to love school and because August was KIND to other people

everyone has unique challenge

make a better choice don`t be a bully

someone who is bullying you just say STOP!

if there was a problem you can always fix it by being kind

no one is perfect so it dosen`t matter who you are

it dosen’t matter how you look like

At first Miles was being mean to August but then they were good friend

The best thing about friends is they help you, they, care about you when you get hurt

if you don`t have anything thing to say don`t say it

making someones day great you can say nice things and being kind

If you have something to say and you don t what to say it because you think you are going to be wrong just say it


You know? if i were to take some things away from Wonder it would be this:

1.Most people judge others by how they feel about them here are some examples: Julian judged August by how his face looked, in the book Auggie and Me Julian was actually scared of August’s face and was scared that August would take his place as the most popular person in Beacher Prep, so he tried to make August leave. Eddie was mean to August because he just judged him by how he looked and also I think he was pretty mean anyways  2.Pretty much everyone in the story has problems here are 3 examples: 1.Jack’s family struggles with their money. 2.Though she hides it well Via has alot of grief for her dead grandmother. 3. August struggled at Beacher Prep because he did not have alot of friends.That is all for my wonder take away I hope that you enjoyed and I hope it made sense.

Wonder Lessons

The first lesson That I took from wonder is that everyone’s the same no matter what you look like.August was not very popular because people did not like is face. Later in the school year everyone liked him.The second lesson is that friends are important. First summer was august’s friend and then jack became friends. Summer sat with august in the cafeteria and became friends.Jack and august were also friends.When august heard that Mr tushman forced him to be friends, august got sad. But since august forgave him, they became friends. This piece of writing is all about the book wonder.They also made a movie in November 2017. I hope that this was helpful for you.

Wonder: Take away lessons

Have you seen the movie or book “Wonder”? In my class, we recently finished the reading the book, and we talked about all the different lessons you can take away from the book. Here are some examples:

When you do something bad, think about why you did it, and make up for it. I got this lesson from when, Jack punched Julian, Via didn’t tell her parents about the play, and Julian was really mean to August, which was for most of the book. Wonder is also related to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr because Dr. King believed in equality, and the book is about a boy who has a different face. It’s good to treat him equally. Another lesson is, being kind starts with maybe overcoming a fear like with Jack being friends with August and Henry and Miles helping August when they got in a fight with the 7th graders.

So, those are some lessons I take away from Wonder. It is also very funny! I recommend this book a lot. It is a great book full of lessons.


Wonder Lessons

Wonder Lessons

Friends stick together forever. Some people are different you just have to accept it.   It’s not about your face it’s about what’s in you and thats so important. Some people are different some people are mean and some people you just need to meet. It’s always good to have friends who really care about you.If you have nothing good to say then don’t say it.People should read this book it’s amazing and there’s lots of lessons here and you should watch the movie to.

Wondering, what would I do?

We are in the middle of reading R.J. Palacio’s now well-known book, Wonder. Some of us have finished reading it on our own. Some have even already been to see the movie, which is never as good as the book, right As a group, however we are currently in the section from Jack’s perspective.


Jack is an interesting character. They all are, but what I find interesting about Jack is the particular set of flaws and challenges he has. Jack’s flaws are different from and less obvious maybe than August’s or less infuriating than Julian’s, but he has them. I find Jack’s challenges interesting to think about because they are familiar and common. How does one actually manage to do the right thing when it would require confronting friends and other peers, would draw a lot of attention and could mean being excluded?

Conflict is unpleasant, but to take on the kind of confrontation Jack might face were he to take a stand and declare his loyalties, especially as an adolescent when peers, friendships and social standing take on new significance, would require not only courage but the ability to think clearly and weigh big issues. Are there any of us who hasn’t avoided having an unpleasant conversation? It might be easy, reading a story, to decide what a character should have done, and that’s one great reason to read novels. Characters & stories give us a chance to think through conflicts that help us figure out who we are and who we want to be. But if I was facing Jack’s situation, as a 5th-grader, I’m not sure exactly how I would have dealt with it. I would hope I’d have done the right thing, but doing the right thing when we are called to act and in the face of all the complications of relationships & emotions is not so easy.

I do think Jack deserves a little of our scorn, but I wouldn’t want to be too quick to condemn him for having a very normal difficulty negotiating the kind of challenge we are all likely to struggle with. His character, his situation, and this whole story all help me reflect on important matters, and that is what draws my interest.

I’d like to know which characters you find particularly interesting. Who do you think is facing a particularly interesting challenge that wouldn’t be so easy to handle? What do you hope you might have done in the same situation? What do you hope the character would have done or will do?