Wasted Food And Spoiled Food


Today I read an article called ‘What A Waste! 2017\2018 issue 1. It was about food waste and now I am going to explain the difference of food being wasted and food being spoiled.

Before I used to think food being wasted was more worse than food being spoiled but when I read this article I realised that I was wrong very wrong. The difference of spoiled food and wasted food is this.

The article said that wasted food is not a huge problem in developing countries a bigger problem is food getting spoiled. I remember an experience I had when I was in the Philippines. When I was looking at some food in a market I noticed that tons of them were getting spoiled, something that relates to this in the article is that it said that in India 30 to 40 percent of food gets spoiled before it reaches consumers. The actual difference is that wasted food is extremely (I am probably exaggerating a tiny bit) good food thrown away.

Spoiled food is food that has rotted\ got rotten\ that got spoiled, and that means that you cannot eat it anymore and you have to throw it away.


If you want to read it yourself the article is called ‘What A Waste! 2017\2018 issue 1’ that is just in case you want to read it yourself.


That brings a conclusion to this topic thank you for reading it!

What A Waste! Article review

Today i read a article about Food going to waste. It’s called what a waste! What in the world 2017/2018:issue 1. I was surprised when i saw there are 1.3 trillion kilograms of food wasted every year and there are still about 800 million people hungry.I really think that food going to waste is wrong Its not good because some people are not getting enough while others are getting too much and throwing it away. In 2050 we will have about 2 billion more people. When that happens we will have more food to waste.what will we do about it? I think that we should stop throwing out food away it is fresh or leftovers. They shout make a stand that serves food from other restaurants that are still good and fresh. Food uses a lot of resources. Did you know that agriculture uses 70 percent of all freshwater humans consume per year. It also produces up to 35 percent of human greenhouse gas emissions. The top offenders of food thrown out are the U.S., Canada,Australia and new Zealand. I think that food will become a problem if we continue the job that we are doing right now.The difference between wasted and spoiled. wasted means that you probably have some food that is perfectly fresh and you throw it away.Spoiled is when the food becomes bad and you have to throw it away.I think that food is necessary to survive but wasting it can lead to bad results.