week 6

Week 6   6/22/16

Hey, I am so sorry that I’ve hadn’t been writing! I’ve been really busy lately. Hope you guys understand. Anyway today is the I2 fair, I say today! Good thing I finished one month ago. I don’t need to be all stressed out. I know a lot of people getting things done at the last minute. Not saying any names though.

I need to end this soon, this is shorter than a lot of my other I2 journals.  My other I2 journals are longer, except week 1.


week 6

Week 6     6/10/16

Welcome back to week 6, of my I2! It’s been another week, another 7 days, 168 hours. Anyway as I was saying my I2 is finished, so there isn’t a lot to talk about and nothing to worry about. There is nothing to be pressured about, I can just be calm, and relax! So I was wondering what I could talk about…I am going to talk about how something went wrong. In week 7 I’ll talk about something that went right. Ok let’s get started.

Something that didn’t well was that when I typed something, two minutes later I printed it out…it was so light, you couldn’t even read the words, so I tried it again, and same thing again, it was so frustrating! I tried again, it didn’t work. So, I just outlined it with pencil.

Another thing that didn’t work well was that when I just printed one thing out, it came out, but not just one, but at least 5 pages.

Another thing that didn’t go well, was that when I printed something out, it didn’t come out! Again I was frustrated. I always get frustrated, when something that doesn’t work. I mean wouldn’t you? Frustration is a normal emotion. We feel a lot.

Well, that’s it for now, tune in for week 7, and be sure to check out, next week! Next week I will be talking about what went well for me! Bye!