
Welcome to my 3rd week of my I2 project. Sea turtles is my topic. Last week I talked about what I don’t like about sea turtles. This week I will talk about what I like about sea turtles! Ok…so sea turtles are just an awesome animal, but they can live up to 80 years! That is a long time. Anyway what have I done this week? You ask. Well, I have been busy researching a lot of about the sea turtle. I’ve been looking for sea turtle books in the library, and I found 3 that really interest me, so I got it. 2 of the books are about the “life cycle” and the other one is about where they live, eat. I am also planning to make a model of a sea turtle. I got green clay from Dollarama. For $2! I also got some clay from Winners for $2. Well my friends that’s it for now! Please come back and read week 4!