coles banishment to the island


I think Cole banishment is a good idea,because he needs to figure out what he is.Plus he also needs to think about joining circle justice and if he actually wants to join it.or if he just wants a sponsor form circle justice and he doesn’t even care about want he did. Cole dad was abusing Cole when hes drunk, and he’s Mom just a pretty lady who just does nothing when Cole gets beat up by his dad.Plus Garvey was a native tinglet and he made the idea of sending Cole into the Garvey knows what would happen if he hand’t sent Cole to the island ,Cole dad would beat him up, and Cole would do more bad things.Garvey wants Cole to go to the island because he wants him to see the good side of the island and of the challenges about the island Garvey knows that Cole won’t escape the island.Cole tried to  escape the island at night,but at night the gravitational atteration causes the moon to move the water the other when Cole was trying to escape he basically got pushed away every time he swam.Garvey probably knew that would happen,Thats why it’s a good idea to and Cole to an island to get some peace and calmness these are some quotes when cole went to the island

food is energy and energy is life

anger is never a memory to be forgotten

Cole’s banishment

Cole’s banishment

we have been reading this book called touching spirit bear and the main character name is Cole Matthews, he has been banished to this island and our teacher gave us a question. The question was was banishing Cole to the island a good idea or a bad idea? So here is what i think.

I think that having Cole banished to the island was a good idea because in the story the keeper of the circle said jail is not to heal so I was thinking maybe that means it won’t heal someone unless they will learn from their mistakes because that’s the only way they will change, if you don’t learn from your mistakes then how are you gonna change. I also think that since the keeper agreed to that it would be a good idea because the keeper just wants Cole to change and become a better person but the keeper probably doesn’t want to hurt Cole either but I be wrong, maybe sending Cole to the island was a bad idea, who knows. Also Cole could learn how to take care of himself at the island, he will have to because hes on his on and if he doesn’t take care of himself he could die. That’s why i think banishing Cole to the island was a good idea.

Was IT A Good Ideal To Send Cole To The Island

In my opinion it was a good idea and a bad idea too send Cole to the island or banishing him. But on this piece of work I am going to writing about, Was it a good idea to send Cloe to the island. I will have reasons why I think its a good idea and some text from the book Touching Sprit Bear to support my idea or my opinion. My first reason is the things he has done to Peter, using Peter as a punching bag at school and this is not the first time he has done it to Peter or someone else. My second reason is that I think or feel that he gets his anger from his dad. For example Cole came home late for whatever reason and his dad stared hitting him on the back with the metal part his dad’s belt. That was the first time his mom defended Cole. My last reason why is Cole’s behaviour that he is acting or pretending to change and pretending that he is sorry for what he has done to Peter and the others. Now some woods from text that support my idea.

Number one

” he drinks until he turns into a monster, mom just gets drunk and pretends nothing happens” page 28

Number two

” hurting someone really made me think a lot”. he’d pause for effect, then added,”I wish I could trade place’s with Peter. I really do, That’s what I deserve. page 20

 Number three

“maybe if he forgives me, everyone will forget about what I did and can get out this pit faster. Garvey stood to leave. “forgiving isn’t forgetting, chump. I don’t remember this part of text was but I do know that it was somewhere close to the cake part. page 28 to 30