Was it good idea to banish Cole


I think it was a good idea to banish Cole. Because he was a criminal for example: he started punching Peter with his bear fist then he smashed Peters head into the ground until he was down bloody. Another reason cole should go to the island because he can have some time to himself and Garvey said there was a spirit bear that could help Cole if he found it also Cole never really change all he wanted is to get out of the circle justice but him being bad was not all his fault because his parents don’t care really about him.

What I do when i can only see the left end of the stick

fIn the novel Touching Spirit Bear Edwin took Cole to a pond early in the morning and they spoke about anger and how you can’t get rid of it. Edwin took a stick he told Cole that the left end of the stick is his anger and the right end is happiness and he told Cole to break the left end off but the left end remained that’s because “anger is never forgotten and it can only be tamed” so when i can only see the left end of the stick i like to sleep,watch a funny video or read a book because those things calm me down the most.ff

What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick.

We have read more further into Touching Spirit Bear and we have come across a part where they begin to talk about the left end of the stick the left end of the stick being your anger than we come across the question what do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick is what lots of people would normally do, try to calm myself down most of the time I just read because it is really effective.

That is what I do when i can only seem to see the left end of the stick.

What I do when I can only see the left end of the stick (Touching spirit bear)

We’ve been catching up on our reading of Touching Spirit Bear, and we even made it to part 2. But on the island, Edwin showed Cole a stick. He said the right end was his happiness and the left was his anger. But what do you do when you only see the left end?                                                                                                                                    What I try to do when I only feel anger is I sometimes try to distract myself, by doing something else, or I might want to be alone for a little bit. It lets me think about what I have been doing and what I should have done. Edwin also asked Cole to break off the left end of the stick. So he broke it, but there still was a left end. He kept breaking it, but there always is a left end. I think that this is supposed to tell you that you can’t get rid of your anger, but you can choose not to focus on it.

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

This year we started a new novel called Touching Spirit Bear. It is about a teenager named Cole Matthews. (The bold text are things I think are important) 😉

Recap: Cole has an alcoholic for a father who beats him up all the time and his mother  is just a pretty lady who does nothing when Cole`s dad is hurting him. But Cole has a very bad reputation at the moment. After all, it’s his fault…right? He beat up Peter Driscal, broke into a hardware store, been in at least a dozen police stations, been through just as many counsellors, a psychologist, several detention centres and 2 residential treatment centres. Now he has gotten into Circle Justice, a healing form of justice practised by natives for thousands of years. He thinks if he does this, he won’t have to go to jail. But he is no where close to the truth.

Question 1: Was banishing Cole a good idea?

I think that banishing Cole was a good and bad idea. It was good because it gives Cole time to get all his anger out and have some time alone. Also, the a`ttow that Garvey gave Cole, I think Garvey was not a very good kid. Maybe it helped him when he was younger so he is giving it to Cole now in hope that he will be good. However, it is also a bad thing because maybe all he needs is somebody to talk to, somebody who gets what he is going through. Maybe if he had somebody, he would be more happy and positive.

Question 2: What does Cole`s escape plan have to do with the solar system?

In order to get away from the island, Cole has to swim out. But every time he tries, he gets pulled back because the tide is working against him. When the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned with each other (usually when there is a new or full moon), the solar tide has an effect on the lunar tide, which makes extra-high high tides, and very low, low tides.

Here are some of my favourite quotes from the book so far:

Anger is energy and energy is life.” -Cole

” The whole world is a hot dog.” -Garvey

I was dying and I hadn’t even lived.” -Cole

” No more chances.” -Peter’s Lawyer

”You caught me off guard!” -Cole

Those are just a few of my favourite quotes. I will probably refer to some quotes in my writing later in the year 🙂




Cole’s Banishment

We have been reading Touching Spirit Bear and the main character,Cole has been banished to a remote island and i will be writing about how it was a good idea.

I think it was a good idea because after Cole got mauled by a bear he changed and became more of a positive thinker like at pg.110 Cole said “if i like the cake maybe the ingredients are okay too” and that’s why i think that it was a good idea that they banished Cole.