Should people chop down trees

I think that people should stop chopping trees it can also ruin our environment. Trees create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for birds and other animals.Trees absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses, such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, from the air and release oxygen. One large tree can supply a day’s supply of oxygen for four people.

Abies holophylla PAN 2

Trees are very important for us.

Are Hoverboards Really Safe??

I think Hover boards can be safe if you take good care of it (if you don’t well say good bye to a $150plus toy)

Red self-balancing two-wheeled board with a person standing on it

As you all know Hover boards are not what the name really means (Hover means to remain in one place in the air) but this Hover board doesn’t hover, it just rolls on the ground so they should have called it like Skateboard 2.0 or Future Boarding anyways I was here to talk about how safe is this Hover board .

In the news we’ve seen Mike Tyson fall on his back because his balance was falling apart or something or the time on the news where like 5 hover boards blew up in one day in America and it has a Lithium battery which blows up which has caused a lot of deaths and serious injuries.

US Navy 020712-N-5471P-010 EOD teams detonate expired ordnance in the Kuwaiti desert

Not that big of an Explosion but you get the point

Thanks for reading my blog have a nice day!! (Be careful about Hover Boards kids).