Spring break is over…

Spring break started, and it ended. Tomorrow I have to go back to school which makes me mad because it reminds me that Spring break is over. However, I did go on a vacation to the Philippines and I passed a diving course so now I’m an average diver and soon I’m gonna get the certificate for diving and then I will be able to dive almost anywhere I want, except in caves because that’s technical diving and to take that course I need to be 18, which is a bummer, but hey, beggars cant be choosers. On a side note I also did my first real dive that wasn’t a training dive, and I saw a lot of fish, and an electric mollusk, and I also saw a fish that looked really close to a lionfish, though I’m not certain, and some of the other divers that went with me saw a stingray, but I had fog in my mask because I forgot to clean it out so I MIST it (bad um tss… and no, I actually did miss it, I just put a pun there cause why not), and the last “coolest” thing I saw was a small slim eel (and the reason I put the word “coolest” in brackets is because everything was cool, its just that I’m writing about the major things that I saw during that dive). And then after that I left Philippines and came back to Vancouver yesterday. I gotta say the plane ride was 11:00 hours long or so but to me it felt like 2 hours or less (probably cause I slept). I also lived on an island so I had to take a boat to get to the main island, and while I was on that boat I saw flying fish jump out of the water. Needless to say, I probably had the best Spring break of everyone in my class, unless someone went to the lottery and won a million dollars, and what are the odds of that happening any time soon? But now, I ran out of things to say, and I would’ve told you a skeleton pun, but you probably wouldn’t find it very “humerus” (ba dum tss)