What do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

March 6, 2019

“What do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?”

That was the question we were asked during our recent novel study time.

The “left end of the stick” refers to the negative feelings and actions in you. In more simple terms, it’s when you are feeling angry, outraged, sad, the more blue kinds of feelings.

Since I was little, I’ve gone through a lot of therapy. Specifically because sometimes, I could only seem to see the left end of the stick. Thanks to therapy and counselling, I have a lot of different ways I can see more of the right end of the stick, and less of the left end.

Some of my favourites would include:

Dance– the smooth rhythm of dancing is very soothing for me.

Reading– by diving into a book, I escape my reality and go into somebody else’s.

Music– Usually, if I need to cry, I’ll listen to a sad song. If I’m happy, I’ll listen to something more upbeat.

Gratitude Journal– This is something my mum suggested to me, by keeping a gratitude journal, it helps you focus on more of the positive things and less of the negative.

Of course, I have more. But these are the most effective for me.

Leave a comment about what you do when you can only see the left end of the stick.

Bye! 😉 🙂


How To Be A Great Bucket Filler!

There are a lot of ways you can fill buckets! Big things or small things, ANYTHING counts. Follow these simple steps to become a great bucket filler!

Somethings might not make us feel like we’re doing a lot, but kindness always counts, no matter what form it comes in. Saying “Hello” and smiling makes other people smile! Using basic manners such as “please” and “thank you” makes people feel respected.

Fact: When you fill someones bucket, you fill your own too!

Well, now you know how to be the greatest bucket filler of all time! Make sure that you teach other people how to be amazing bucket fillers!