Seals On The Menu


Seals On The Menu


This year is Canada’s sesquicentennial and a restaurant on Granville island called Edible Canada is celebrating by putting Harp seal on the menu,the Edible Canada still going to put Harp seals on the menu even if they attract some negative attention and debating.When Mr.Milloy told us what we think about Harp seals being on the menu.the class is debated whether Harp seals should be on the menu.Mr.Milloy told us to write a draft about Harp seals on the menu and now the class is going to write about it on are blogs.I didn’t know whether you should or shouldn’t eat Harp seals so I decided to do both reasons.


Reasons why we can eat Harp seals.

The government allows licensed people to harvest 400,000 Harp seals a year but people only harvest around 35,000 a year.Harp seals are a great source of food,they are very nutritious and it’s good to try a new type of food.First nations and inuit people can eat seals so we can eat it too.

I believe that it is perfectly fine to eat Harp seals.


Reasons why we shouldn’t eat Harp seals

The government allows people to harvest 400,000 Harp seals a year which is a lot.The government should lower the amount of Harp seals you can harvest in a year because if we harvest that many seals then the Harp seals will go extinct.First nations and inuit people use all the parts of the animal even their eyes,fur and blubber which I am totally okay with but people probably don’t use all the parts of the seals which is a waste.Harp seals can’t produce seals pups that fast and the seal pups needs their mother’s and father’s protection from predators.It also needs food to survive like we do,seal pups can’t hunt yet so it needs mother and father to feed the pup.Without food,protection,mother and a father then there won’t be any Harp seals pups which means there won’t be any more seals.

I think we should definitely never eat seals ever.

I believe that seals can be on the menu but the government should lower the amount of seals hunted per year to only around 35,000.

Thank you so much for reading my blog article about seals on the menu and I hope you have a wonderful day or night.