Romeo & Juliet Reaction

Recently, we went to a play, and, as you’ve probably read the title, it was Romeo & Juliet, by Bard on the Beach (BotB), and this is my reaction to the play. I loved it. It’s my most favourite play that I have seen so far, and Ioved the story. At certain times, it brought a tear to my eye. It was a sad story but it was a really good one, and it has taught me a lot about life. And the actors, they were the best! They were so in character, I had trouble telling if they were modern people or not. By the end of the play, I was amazed at how they managed to do this. It probably took them loads and loads of time to practice it all, and when you mess up, you had to retry over, and over, and over until you got it down perfect. Keep it up, BotB! I enjoyed your show and I’m sure your other shows are good too.