A Recipe for a Great Relationship













  1. Be kind. Hold the door for them or help them with work.
  2. Be caring. If they get hurt, help them feel better.
  3. Be supportive and help them. Say “you can do it” if they are doing something hard.
  4. Have confidence. Be confident in them if they are doing something challenging.
  5. Be reliable. Always have their back.
  6. Be respectful. Always be nice.
  7. Be forgiving. If you get mad at them, be able to forgive them.
  8. Be honest. Don’t lie, or keep secrets.

I hope you liked my article. Please comment, and read my friends blogs, bye.

Good Relationship Recipe

Good Relationship Recipe




– Loyalty










-Give your Friend a lot of Respect and Honesty

-Stay close with your Friend and always Support them

– Stay Confident with your Friend and don’t be afraid to share any thing

– Be a Reliable Friend

-Have a lot of Generosity, share with your friends with they need/want it

-Be Considerate towards your friend, or the person you want to be friends with

-Be a Helping Friend, help friends when they are need

-Have Forgiveness to keep a relationship stronger

-Have Loyalty, be loyal to your Friends and they will respect your kindness

– Once all steps are done, you should have a very strong/great relationship with your friend!

A Recipe for a Good Relationship

A Recipe for a Good Relationship


1. Honesty & Truthfulness
2. Generosity & Sharing
3. Loyalty & Respect
4. Forgiveness & Openness
5. Reliability
6. Supportive & Helpful
7. Confident & Bravery
8. Loving & Kindness


1. Always be honest and true to your friend. If you’re not honest to your friend, your friend might be thinking you’re hiding something and might even think you don’t want to be their friend.
2. Help your friend and be generous when they need help. Helping your friend is to show you care for your friend.
3. Be respectful and loyal to your friend.
4. Be confident and brave with your friend. This will show that you really want to be your friend.
5. Support your friend to show you care. Your friend will think you are a good and reliable person.

Your friend might not react in a good way to you do to them. They might need to have the recipe themselves. If they react with kindness, like the way you WANT them to, react with kindness to them. If they don’t react with kindness, don’t worry, and most importantly, DON’T give up. You want to be their friend. Have patience always. Over some time, if they ask for forgiveness, forgive them.

Follow this recipe and you will be able to develop a good relationship(s).

Relationship Recipe

Relationship Recipe
Here are the things that are necessary in a good relationship:
• Respect
• Kindness and caring
• Generosity
• Happiness
• Loyalty and being supportive
• Confidence and standing up for you
• Helpfulness
• Honesty and Trust
• Being open about things; comfortable and understanding
• Being reliable and trustworthy
• Forgiveness
1. You should be respectful and show that that you care about the other person. Be kind towards them.
2. Be open and willing to talk about things (but make sure you’re comfortable).
3. Be honest and trustworthy; show that you can be reliable. But half of being trusted is to trust.
4. Be loyal and supportive of them; be confident and stand up for them when they need it.
5. Be helpful (but there is such thing as being too helpful!).
6. Be willing to forgive (whether it takes a long time or not).
7. Be generous (sharing is caring!). But you don’t need to give everything you have.
8. Most of all, be happy and have fun!

Recipe to a great relationship








-Standing up/being supportive

-Being truthful









-Be honest and treat your friend kindly (but not the king kindly)

-Respect your friend and help them when they need it

-Be loyal to them and if they need something, help them out (again, don’t treat them like a king)

-Stand up for them and if they need you, don’t back out

If you follow these rules, then you should get a positive relationship; however, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, and everyone’s story is different. this strategy may be effective most of the time but definitely not all the time.