What A Waste

Hello, My name is Jaymiel. Today I’ll be telling you about some of the information I found in an article I read,so here you go:

(1). The Top Food Wasting Countries Are: U.S.A, Canada and Australia(the country).

(2). One THIRD of all food is wasted but more than 100 million go hungry.

(3). Wasted food is food that people just waste like throw away or don’t eat. Spoiled food is food that goes bad.

(4). Going to restaurants are also kinda bad, because if you order to much so you can’t eat it gets thrown away. All-you-can-eat buffets are the worst because sometimes you just get to much.

Recycling:Our environment

From my point of view, is our community doing good enough in recycling?
Recycling bins at MBS Singapore
I believe we aren’t being so smart with our choices we’ve made, as I have noticed most of the garbage ends up in the wrong bin. In my school lots of kids though Styrofoam cups,plates,bowls and lids go in the paper bin; Therefore it actually goes in the reusable bucket in the custodian’s room is. I question whether we can do better at keeping our environment clean or damage it more? In spite of being a clean and healthy environment we have to be physically and mentally to what we do next.Moreover the return it depot are finding cans,glass bottles,juice boxes and plastic bottles under the docks at the beach;Secondly, the pollution cause has gone higher than ever that the fishes are dying from the pollution.scientists say that in 5 billion years the world will end and if we pollute more than it could end sooner.

so lets go green!