Should seal be served on the menu…

Our class was talking about the harp seal on the menu and some people in our class thought it was sad when they killed the harp seal  and some thought the harp seal was cute.But here’s my opinion on the harp seal on the menu.I agree putting the harp seal on the menu because the Canadian Government allows it. The Government says you can harvest  about 400,000 seals every year.We currently harvested about 35,000 harp seals per year.


Also the harp seal is a good source of nutrition and It is rich in protein, iron and iodine also there so many harp seal that we won’t even hurt their population unless if we kill 50,000 harp seal per year.

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Seal on the menu

Should Restaurants Serve Seal?


Yes I think we should put seal on the menu because people are allowed to kill 400,000 seals a year but people only 35,000 per year. Also their meat is so healthy and it has a lot of vitamin A and C. And plus if you eat fish or any other animal it’s no different to eat seal, because some people just don’t want to eat them because their cute. So if you don’t eat them because their cute you’re basically just judging.

But if you eat to much you can make them extinct because they can’t reproduce that fast so soon extinct. Also you can mess up the food chain, so if seals are extinct polar bears can’t eat and if polar bears can’t eat then how can humans eat because people in the north eat polar bears so if seal die polar bears die, and if polar bears dies humans die.

seals on the menu


You Should Absolutely Not Have Seals On The Restaurant Menu                             



Reason 1.there are not that many types of seals

Example – Harp seals could become extinct

Reason 2. If you kill a seal what will you do with the other parts

Example – the blood

Reason 3.people usually use seals for their other parts but they won’t be able to if the restaurants take them all

Example – the skin

And that’s why we should never ever have seals on the menu!